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RE: Favorite NES games - what are yours?

in #gaming5 years ago

I made a similar post a while ago! :)
But didn't really get any answers. Anyway, here are my favorite games (in no particular order):
Both Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games
Chip and Dale
All Super Mario games
Blades of steel
World Cup
Bubble Bobble
Track & Field
Rad Racer
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants
Mega man
Duck hunt
Double Dribble


Ninja turtles! That was two great games! I forgot about those!

Indeed! Amazing games! :)

Everyone talks about how great Duck Tales is and was....but I actually never played it! I did LOVE TMNT though. It is rated as one of the most difficult games ever....but if I remember correctly, if you just didn't lose Donatello, you were fine.

Posted using Partiko Android

There's a remastered version of Duck Tales. Never played it but: Yes, it's so good they remastered it.

You can play it here! :D :
Yeah, Donatello was my favorite ninja turtle!

Oh, just remembered that Mega Man is a NES game. I played it on the Steam Collection. Didn't finish it though~

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