Popular Fortnite Streamer Realizes Earth Is Flat While Attempting To Debunk It

in #gaming7 years ago

Here is a clip of a live streamer known as The Myth attempting to debunk flat earth.

Perhaps not the most convincing of arguments in either the flat or globe cases but I do see where The Myth is coming from.

On a concave surface a ball will diverge and be unstable, whereas on a convex surface a ball will converge towards equilibrium. On a flat plane, the ball will remain neutral and not have a tendency to either diverge nor converge.

concave surface.png

Although Myth might've had an issue of scale in his argument, he did have the right idea. His right idea began by using his critical thinking to prove the earth isn't flat. In doing so, Myth was forced to state the obvious as he failed to find any logic in his observations. He therefore reasoned that the earth must be flat. This method of thinking is known as mathematical logic which is often used as a formal proof system.

Despite the fact that Myth did a good demonstration of critical thinking, you'll find the comment section parroting dogmatic scientific theories they don't even understand to begin with. The irony of it all is that they don't realize they are repeating what they've been told to believe, without question, like a religion -- they believe what they've been told on faith -- not on evidence.

The masses are unwittingly engaging in a mass, cult following.

As I mentioned in my first post, Einstein was a paid liar. Along with his fellow mathemagicians they sold the heliocentric model to the world. Einstein said "imagination is more important than knowledge." In other words, lies are more important than truth. Einstein is the embodiment of all that is inverted in this world. He is nothing more than a false prophet of scientism, a wolf in sheep's clothing, leading the masses down the left path of ignorance and evil.

I just wanted to thank The Myth to have the guts to have some brains. #GetYourKnowledgeUp

Food for thought. Bon apathy.

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