Atlas Reactor - when you successfuly mix multiplayer and turn based strategy

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever wanted to play a turn based strategy game in a multiplayer setting without waiting for the other players turns to end?

Atlas Reactor is published and developed by Trion Worlds who are known for various MMORPGs (Rift, Trove, ArcheAge). The innovative mechanic of "everything happens simultaneously each turn" allows for a fast paced 4v4 multiplayer game which contains multiple layers of strategy and a colorful cast of characters each with its unique abilities. If you've loved classic Fallout 1 and 2 combat, Jagged Alliance or Final Fantasy Tactics for console gamers you're surely gonna enjoy Atlas Reactor. Atlas reactor is available as a direct download or through Steam

It is a free to play game, you can earn in game currency - Flux and buy new freelancers (their term for the game characters/heroes) and various cosmetics for them and your account or you can simply buy the All Freelancers Pack which is currenty on a 75% discount for a measly 7.49$ .

You can use my referral code when creating your account.

For me this is the best multiplayer game I ever played, it's basically the only game I play now since its purely tactical, no twitch reflexes or high APM required, only your strategic thinking. Also the community is nice, with a low amount of salt and the Discord channel is a good way to find people to party up with. The learning curve might be a bit steep in the beginning since there so much information to process at once but just stick with it.

Add me ingame, my name is Blakadder#5314


Being a fan of turn-based games, I'll definitely put this on my radar.

I don't suppose if you know whether it runs well on old machines?

Works relatively fine on older machines, there's a low quality setting and tbh you don't need much FPS for a turn based game. I run mine on a laptop with GTX850 at medium with around 23 avg FPS

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