The Fate Of My Characters After Servers Merge in Star Wars The Old Republic

in #gaming7 years ago

Rosiet on the Ebon Hawk.jpg

Now this is something I won't ever see again: "The Ebon Hawk" written above my characters' names when I log into Star Wars the Old Republic.

The servers have merged now (and again with my dyslexia, I almost wrote "the mergers have served"). And I took advantage of the Double Rewards week while it was on. Now I'm slacking my game play a bit.

Last week I wrote about the slight possibility that I might have to rename some of my characters after merging, if there was someone else on the server with the same character name.

Well, as it turns out, unique names and special characters in non-unique names paid out, because as soon as the update was done, I logged in right away to be the first to choose new names if I would have been obliged to, only to see that ALL my characters were safe. All my names remain unchanged. Phew!

Now I experienced a glitch during patching last night that obliged me to dump some files and redownload a bunch of stuff (NOT the whole game, thank goodness), but it should work now. I'm going to have fun cycling through characters and doing Crew Skills while I myself do a "crew skill", i.e.: Folding Laundry :p

So my new server name is The Star Forge. Rosiet is my main. You can see the full list of my current characters (all 17 of them) in the post I wrote last week (I'll link it below). If ever you want to game with me, be sure to add those characters to your friend list or write me in-game, provided you're also on The Star Forge.

Keep having fun everyone!

My post about server merges with full list of characters:

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