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RE: Anvil of the Sump Antiperspirant and Deodorant (Dragon Age Parody)

in #gaming5 years ago

Thank you so much! :)

You can use the images found on the web pages, and the blurbs I have there too. Once preorder begins I will have links to amazon and a few other places where people can get the book with the details for ebook and print. You can use the painting from this page:

And here I have the Appendices that are free for download:

Preorder begins April 5th, so any time after the 5th is a good time to post. You can add whatever else you like, aside from the metadata info stuff. You can also use some of the info about the world found in the Appendices themselves if you want. I'm going to be using that content too to entice potential readers. It's available right away, so you can have a look at it as soon as you want. :D Thanks again! I really appreciate the help!

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