Season's Rewards and some cool Daily Drops!

in #gaming5 years ago


Well... the rewards for this seasons that just finished for @steemmonsters was a little lackluster. Nothing of much note here, although most of the rares I just shunt straight to the market, as my cards are standing at Level 6 which is the maximum I can play for the summoners that I own and the tiers that I usually find myself playing in.... and at the moment, I don't see myself trying to level up the Beta card summoners as they have run out of supply and the prices are just too steep for me to justify!

Interestingly, many of my common Reward monsters are starting to approach the Level 8 mark. Some closer than others... and at this point they will find themselves in the same situation as my Reward Rares. No point leveling them further than that.... and so from that point onwards, they will find themselves bounced straight back to the market! Still, that should be a nice way to hopefully stabilise a stream of STEEM/DEC into my account... nothing fantastic, but better than nothing!


My daily drops were more successful though... I managed to pick up another Furious Chicken... which means that it now actually can cause some damage! Although, it is still more likely to be used as a meat shield to absorb an attack. I think in the last few days, I've seen it attack once... and that was in the melee attacking from anywhere ruleset! Still, every last bit of help is worth it... you never know when that last little bit of damage will be enough to swing the balance... and it is a 0 mana monster, so anything is better than empty space!


This daily drop was quite nice though... it has been quite some time since I've seen a Legendary card drop... so I think this was more than a little bit overdue for me! Thankfully, it was also a card that I could use to level... and even better...


... it was just the last card that I needed to boost my Unicorn to Level 3! It's now got a nice little trample ability! Still... it is a bit of a toss up between Lord Arianus and the Unicorn... the Jar monster does have longer staying power and the reflection and thorns are a real pain for the other player... plus it does cost less mana...

... on the other hand, I have a sort of soft spot for the Unicorn... and the double healing (with the healer) does make for some pretty vicious staying power... as long as you can survive the initial onslaught.


Finally, a gold drop.... again, I haven't seen too many of these in recent times... perhaps I need to start thinking about playing Gods Unchained again? Still an Epic Gold card is nothing to sneeze at... however, it is of a lower level than my existing regular card... so, it's not going to be played at all. I guess I'll hang on to it until another one drops... or I get bored and need to clear the decks a little?

Steem-Monsters (aka the best blockchain game out there!)

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I haven't tried this game, but I find it interesting. Perhaps I will explore it when I have a little more time at my disposal. 😉👍

Posted using Partiko Android

It is quite a fun time-waster! I find I play it when I'm waiting for the toddler to sleep or whilst on public transport!

I have one question... How do you find the time? :)

I was thinking exactly the same thing!

Ha... well, this is a game that is takes very little time to play a quick round... so it makes for a perfect train/bus time killer!

That makes sense. I rode the trains in Germany in 2009 when I visited there, but otherwise I've never ridden trains or buses to get around (other than the school bus). A lengthy commute on a train/bus would certainly accommodate this luxury. :)

It must take up a lot of your time, but it looks like you're enjoying it, so it must be worth it..

Haha.... yes, it does take little minutes here and there... but in the end, I would just be staring out the window of the bus daydreaming!

Wow! That is awesome and I wish I could spend enough time on it to understand it all. I have never heard of humblebundle, but, I will spread that to friends who can use it.

Thanks, Bengy!! I hope all is going well with you! How is that new violin????

!tip .20

It is more of a time waster whilst I am riding on public transport.... or waiting for the kiddies to fall asleep!

Humble Bundle is super awesome! I've stopped buying games, and I just get some pretty damn nice ones delivered every month! Sadly, I don't have enough time there to finish many of them though...

The new violin is going AWESOME! I'm completely still in the head over heels in love stage! Hope it lasts for a long time... but I'm convinced it is going to be a great long term partner!

Thanks for the bonus!

I’m asking the same question as @free-reign; Where do you find time?

Since joining the blockchain I haven’t had time for any games but Steem monsters sounds like fun.

Haha... yes, this game is a pretty simple one or two minute game here and here (unless you get really hooked...). I don't play to be really that competitive, so I don't mind if I don't finish too high on the lists!

Yes I agree with free-reign. How on earth do you find the time to play this game, and then write about it?!!! I'm afraid I could not understand a word of this, unlike your music posts, which I adore.

Haha... some other people would find this much more interesting than the music! This particular game is short burst gaming (30 seconds to 2 minutes) and so it is the perfect sort of game for commuting!... or waiting till the kids fall asleep!

Well, I think that I will have to study Mandarin to understand what you wrote here my friend.
The only thing that sort of excited me here was in the very last part where a statement was made about support for charities hahaha.

Haha... yes, it can be a bit strange sounding to those who aren't playing!

I always planned to try steem monsters but work is eating me up. I was into magic the gathering back in my college days. Might enjoy it and will give it a shot once I organize myself.

It is a good deal simpler than Magic... but that does make for quicker and easier games!

Wow, and I thought I was an antique collector. I only have regular baseball and football cards.

Haha... these are the new antiques!

I've never played Steemmonsters before, though I do believe I have a starter pack. might be something to look into!

It's pretty fun... as long as you don't take it too seriously!

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