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RE: Zombie Adventure - Game 38 - Day 5 (May 5, 2019)

in #gaming5 years ago

Player 5 (2nd)

Bonus roll @rolld20
Action 1: Be brave and open the door, need to find some stuff. Got to have stuff to survive the zombies. @rollthedice

? My first door opening, so do I need to attack the door and damage it or just turn the handle, and then step through?


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 17.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Action 1: edit, wait for the door to open then shove my fist in the first zombie face I see, or step in room if no zombie behind door.
Action 2: search if allowed. And I am totally lost, so will see what happened tomorrow.

That's the idea. Only to use your fist, you would need to move into the building first (plus that only does a half point of damage). I now know what your intentions are and can adjust the attack to using the shotgun from where you are now if that's OK by you. Stepping inside could be dangerous (depending on what is found inside) so leaving that option flexible as well would be my advice. Some people love the danger and would choose to step inside regardless.

Generally, players collect enough gear so that more than 1 person has an axe. In this case, we are kind of stuck since only 1 person has an axe and most left the bus area before gearing up. That's the beauty of having everyone decide their own moves... one never really knows what to expect.

This is a co-operative game, so there is always the option to ask questions and to try and co-ordinate moves. I generally try not to interfere too much and allow people to experiment or simply stumble along blissfully until the light-bulb goes on. Everyone has a different play style.

As for myself; I like to calculate my actions, and prefer to know things ahead of time, so I prefer reading the rules carefully and asking lots of questions. Sometimes I ask too many questions and wonder if I annoy the gamemasters. I've had other players tell me they enjoy the unknown and finding things out after-the-fact.

So, if you do want advice about strategy at any particular instance, don't hesitate to ask.

I pretty much got myself lost, I set a couple of actions, and will just wait to see results tomorrow.

Let's be careless and try a search.
Action 1: Move west.
Action 2: Search the room. @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Oh boy! Search failed. What zombie did we find? @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

A walker was found.

Since you actually got a decent roll, we can apply that to an attack should the door be opened this turn, or you can wait until the door is open and take the entire turn over or even go back toward the bus if that is what you would rather do. I'm fine with people posting options on moves to be applied after something else happens so that it is not crucial to check back all the time to see who did what; especially in situations like this.

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