Lords Mobile assault on Voodoo Shaman monster review # part 59

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)


assault on Voodoo Shaman monster


Good night friends who are doing this with a @barzah is still in the same edition that is the problem of a game I play that is Lord Mobile. As in the editions that I alluded to this game I can be for free in play android store that I have. mala mini so I open the game I was asked to upgrade this game may be from selver in this game. Now let's get into my main decision game on this good night. First of all, I am on the part of all the religions that I face from some of my best friends in this game and also in every part of this game is strictly forbidden to add Buildings that should not be.

Just as some Buildings we can build just maybe we should enlarge in advance the basic bangs that already reside in this game like castle or palace, watch tower and castle castle wall. This is what I'm doing in this and also I'm going to blend in with the game I'm doing tonight.

Techniques in arranging castles or castles and caring as the improvement of the integrity of a government in a good car lord kingdom are true as follows:

  • In enough development in need 1 course barracks for training and always upgrading the barracks but we do not need a lot of barracks development only we have to always upgrade.

  • For wholeness also first we are very in need of resources then do it as often as possible the collection of resources in the forest map and do not forget also to build a resource field in royal court because there are among the land that is in the right to build a lading source power fields such as wheat fields, minefields and wood and gold plates. But we just build enough in each type is only 2 only.

  • Use time acceleration when training soldiers only because the warrior is in need for his kingdom and wholeness when we are attacked by the enemy and do not use the acceleration of time in other parts because it will be in vain and will not help the royal mission.

  • Upgrade the building when you want to close the game because when we open we will not be patient in waiting for him. Some times if we upgrade the castle for example we have to wait until its 12 hour long. that is when level kingdom we are already high.

  • Increase the supply of food to the hero who is on his list and also upgrade the hero that we have because this hero is in need when hunting monster and attack the enemy and even the heroes are also in need when looking for new heroes in a legend room.

In addition, I am calling a monster named Voodoo Shaman, a very powerful monster we even develop hero heroes to attack hold of the monster, but this monster is very long lasting, and I keep attacking 7 times and others with allies they are also for things that are similar to the time of my hero's guidance I benefited from some gift which this gift can I use as the power of the hero. The prizes I received as the rate of increase as well as the resources I got from the fifth and seventh of my greetings made me gain increased strength.

I see when I make an attack against thorn that still survives in the legend room which I did just to compare how the strength of the hero whether it is increasing or still the same as yesterday. As a result I managed to increase it. in the Voodoo Shaman attack very much my hero's benefit even though my hero no survivors at the time of the attack on the monster. .
So a friend for my little mala little that I can describe hopefully my material mala mini can be useful in Lords Mobile game, and I say thank so much on your visit hopefully always in good and successful presence always accompany us. see you in the next edition


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Mantap pak @barzah keterangannya

Thank so much pak je.. lol..

salam gamers

Yuuu aaa . Salam juga bro @djemzdroid

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