Journey to eliminate darkness for the last time: Review Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City by Aymenz

in #gaming7 years ago

Hey Friends ! 

Every journey has to come a day to end, and today our trip with the world of "Dark Souls" started in 2011 ends today. Six years full of challenge, excitement and self-assertion, as well as a sharp rise in adrenaline levels, but we never complained about that series and we have always asked for more. Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City The latest addition to the last part of the series "Dark Souls 3"..

The Story of Game : 

There is a final task for our hero The Ashen One to do is to go to The Ringed City, the city where all the monsters and remnants of all the ages, which are located at the end of the world, can be found, where only the destruction and the control of darkness Everything that is inside. And you have to find the Dark Souls of Humanity and come back from there and try to escape from that city, which has always dominated the souls of others who sought this treasure by you, will you be able to get your prize and can escape from here or what, this is what you will discover at Go to that city and know the others who have preceded you there.

The Play style : 

Unlike the previous addition, Ashes of Ariandel offers the addition of The Ringed City with a larger content. We now have two full areas of exploration. We initially have the Dreg Heap area, which is a medium area and you will see inside it the devastation of the world and know what we have reached after the end of the Fire Age. The region has a number of very powerful monsters that will not benefit them, but the use of the mind before the use of the sword, Variety of monsters in that area one of the characteristics of that addition and you must explore well to be able to eliminate those monsters that never die , And you have Finally, the leader will regret that you have reached him. We have a tough leader who changes his final form as you chose at the beginning of your fight and will spend many hours with him as he did with us to try to break his blades and eliminate him.

As for the second area is the best and the most wonderful is the area of The Ringed City, a city shattered and full of predatory monsters and no place of security for anyone inside, it will take you a huge time to judge and explore fully to search for weapons and armor and also new talismans. The city also has a large number of monsters, which are always in groups and you have to use many strategies to eliminate them, and ultimately the region has two claims one of them will not face you alone, but will ask the help of others If you play in offline mode, you will find this leader uses NPCS to help me But if you play Online mode you will find it asking for help other players to try to stop you from progress is a very special movement We advise everyone when confronted by this leader play offline mode in order to be able to finish in the shortest possible time The second leader, which was reported before the launch of Spyware is the hardest leader of the series "Dark Souls" and already have spent with him over 3 hours and died on his hand dozens of times before we can it finally He is a stubborn and very when you win it you will get a wonderful weapon you can others do compete Botoar PVP different. That region also has another leader, an optional leader you can go to and fight, but prepare well for him. He is not like the others and anyone who has tried DarkSoles 1 may have been spotted by this leader before.

The addition has provided a wonderful collection of weapons that you can use in the game or in front of others in the stages of PVP We have for example the weapon Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords wonderful, which you see our video and its distinctive way to eliminate the Giants and other monsters in a smooth and without complications All you have to do is take a certain space And the pressure on a certain button and let him take care of the rest, and also a weapon Ringed Knight Straight Sword, which turns into a flame weapon and also has its own tactics to be used against various monsters, and there are weapons designed for use in close combat, such as the weapon Aquamarine Dagger and White Birch Bow for long combat, In addition, there are some of the most remarkable ones we have found. The most impressive of them is the lightning arc and the fan's spell, which will also be taken from the special witch we have met with DarkSoles 2 and many powerful spells that will serve as battles.

And the game also provided a huge range of armor and strong clothing and also new Rings of the third level will certainly benefit you to look good because some of them are hidden in a very difficult and distinctive command is also attention to the stages of online and competitive play Add the submission of two fighting forums you can use to meet others over the network and The squares are Dragon Ruins and Grand Roofs and are beautifully designed to give you a distinct experience of clean fighting. The addition also introduced a new phase that allows you and your friend to form an alliance and start fighting others over the network, which was not present before and we were very impressed.

The Graphics :

We are all witnessing the launch of the game with the attention of Studio From the software level of the game, the addition is also on the same approach and we see a great interest of the studio to clarify the effects of the dark age on this world and the blackness that lies inside, and also the destruction of the world in one of the places you will find One of the towers falls by your side. The design of The Dreg Heap was good but not in comparison with The Ringed City design. From the very first moment you enter this area you will begin to take pictures right and left to admire these designs from ruined castles and the church that is still fixed amid all this destruction and ashes that dominated the world. The design of the monsters was very distinctive how many times ask ourselves when the ideas of this studio will end every time and the orbit of the previous parts we find the design of different monsters did not appear before We have a huge giant and the design of his body only find horror was Bear with your heart and head, And also objects that resemble turtles and used magic against you as well as giants and summoned to the ghosts, and also the leaders we admired their ideas and their designs too. And finally the battlefields of the online stages, which were carefully designed from the studio to give you a flawless experience against others over the network.

The Sounds : 

It is one of the reasons for our attachment to this old series. In the same way, we add the following: We notice the attention of the studio with the sound effects of the game. As you travel to some areas, you hear the sounds of terror in your heart from what is coming. Also the pictorial music that begins with fighting with the leaders gives you a special atmosphere and increases your adrenaline rate and also demands enthusiasm. As for the sounds surrounding the sounds of monsters and crying and screaming, everything is very wonderful as we are used to that series sound effects one of the hallmarks of the history of that series.

The Game duration and replay value :

The addition can be terminated without resorting to fighting the optional leader between 4 to 6 hours and also without exploring the secrets and secret places of the game and also by the passage and start a new game + new, but if you exceeded the new Game + and wanted to finish the game fully will require the game from 8 To 10 hours to complete it completely, the addition of the whole offers you a distinct experience unlike the previous addendum.

The Conclusion : 

The game is enjoyable to the maximum extent and as you progress in the story whenever unexpected surprises appear, the story is written very carefully and the dialogues of characters will hang your mind for long periods and will relate to the characters of the game and sympathize with each other, the style of play is the best in the game It requires you to focus in the battles and knowledge How to manage access to different places on your own without having a map to help you out

I give this game 8.5/10 I like it's perfect , what you think ? what's your evaluation ? 

Finally if you like my post just upvote and follow me , thank you for your reading , I love you ♥ , by @aymenz



hy i am fatamasultana.... new steemit users.... plz flowing me and upvote plz...

Hey , ok no problem we are waiting for your new posts .. good luck

Never played Dark Souls for my mental well-being lol

Thank you for your comment good luck

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