A Wonderful Bat Game ' batman arkham origins ' Game Review by Aymenz

in #gaming7 years ago

Hey Friends !

His black coat penetrates the skies of Gotham equipped with the most powerful weapons and the latest, a businessman and one of the richest men of Gotham morning and evening chasing criminals and deviant to spend them and become the myth of fear in the city to be fear of him is the only deterrent deterrents of delinquents from trying to steal or kill or others, How did he become so? Or how did the city's committed residents and others deal with it? What is the secret of the strange hostility between Batman and his arch-enemy Joker? Although this game is not the first game dealing with Batman's relationship to the Joker and not the first game to be issued to Batman in the modern era, but it is the first game interested in Batman as a person and Joker as a person and trying to establish the complex relationship between them together so wear your mask and bring your weapons and refuel your aircraft because you are on a date with a direct attack on Joker and the most serious criminals Gotham.

As with any Batman game, the game begins with a signal picked up by the hero from the police radio to know that there are some problems in the famous Black Gate prison and that the prison officer is at risk on New Year's Eve. Despite Alfred's reluctance to serve Bruce Wayne and Batman's only family, arguing that "he may have to spend New Year's Eve At home "but the bat refuses and moves with his own plane to jail to find a black mask and his gang have taken control of the prison and saves the prison director, who seems to be surprised when seeing Batman and remained as a non-existent and local legend and then go to the hero to stop black mask until the end of the end It gets batm That contains a video file of the black mask and he contracts with six killers of different abilities and skills to kill the hero during one night and presents a $ 50 million prize for the first person who can kill the bat in this night and go killers to look for him and try to kill him all looking forward to be around him And look forward to winning the award in its different way and after you know who are trying to kill you begin your task to try to kill your enemies and to get to the real reason that make the black mask puts the prize on your head and make him attack the prison.

It seems that the development studio did not care much about the development of the game as he was interested in developing the story of the game, in addition to the obvious improvement in the scenes of the game in the game will not find a clear evolution in the style of play The style of play and the form of stages and enemies and places to enter Batman and even the shape and design of the city is not very different from the previous part arkham city ​​where you will feel inside the game because of the obvious similarity between the two games in the design of the city and buildings. Perhaps the only thing different is that they removed the wall that once surrounded the prison and put in place a large bridge between two parts of the city, And they added some new weapons in new forms and names to do the same weapons that were in the previous part and is somewhat new and you will notice it easily when you try to penetrate one of the protection devices password will always penetrate the word is read and meaning usually associated with the quality of place and person You will find that one of the passwords you need to enter is flammable and so on. One of the developments that has not been very impressed is how to develop the character and develop its different capabilities. With the exception of the possibility of developing the shield and some of the tools T depends on the gain experience points, but the rest of the developments that include personal speed and the strength of the strike and the speed of the reaction and developments that relate to personal skill can not be accessed only when it completes some of the challenges that you find in their own away from the rest of the game menu list.

YOU'RE NOT some hardend vigilante you're a young man wth a trust fund and too much Anger!

You're in over your head and i dont want this to be your end! -



As the development did not include the method of play, it also did not include graphics or sounds, although the age of Batman's personality is supposed to be smaller than the previous parts you will find the same body and the same voice with a slight change in the tone of voice when he feels angry or frustrated otherwise you will find that The graphics are as they are and not very different and places will come to you that you feel that you played in advance in the previous part and they seem to be interested in the cinematic scenes more than the scenes of the game itself, you will find that the movie scenes really amazing and realistically more than the game itself and added some changes to the list of the start of the game only, The new section also dropped partial acoustics and background music as it is identical to its predecessor in the previous section completely and without any difference.

The development in this part really exists in the story and characters and interaction between the characters you will find that the character of Batman became more angry and gracious and faster than fit with his relatively young age and beginning in the profession in addition to the roughness of dealing in many parts of the game with Alfred and his servant the Savior and his advice, The development has added a greater amount of different personalities that Batman met during his trip where you will find that the characters have not only increased in number but also increased in depth and deep in dealing with Batman and the quality of the relationship between Batman and these characters,But you will find some of the killers who decided to attack Batman and take the challenge not. Just a love of money but a desire to fight Batman himself or a desire to challenge, such as death stroke or bane, who will go to the maximum to be able to retaliate against Bruce Wayne - and did not mention the game why - and the existing characters that deal with Batman and will guide

The development in this part really exists in the story and characters and interaction between the characters you will find that the character of Batman became more angry and gracious and faster than fit with his relatively young age and beginning in the profession in addition to the roughness of dealing in many parts of the game with Alfred and his servant the Savior and his advice, The development has added a greater amount of different personalities that Batman met during his trip where you will find that the characters have not only increased in number but also increased in depth and deep in dealing with Batman and the quality of the relationship between Batman and these characters,But you will find some of the killers who decided to attack Batman and take the challenge not. Just a love of money but a desire to fight Batman himself or a desire to challenge, such as death stroke or bane, who will go to the maximum to be able to retaliate against Bruce Wayne - and did not mention the game why - and the existing characters that deal with Batman and challenges to him and not from The main enemies in the game are many St Wanted Criminals You will find that Batman has to go on a hunting trip to catch them like an anarchy or an Enigma as the side challenges and side issues that you have to solve are many and varied in the game.

Alferd, what do you see when you look at me? the boy who shoes you used to tie every morning? the teenager you drve to his first date? while you are here every day I am out there the ONLY THING between The innocent and the predatory! - batman

The development team may have ignored the gameplay or graphics as it was in the previous part - one of the best games - but it is interested in the story in the game and is interested in the characters. It seems that the game is geared specifically to the personal enthusiasts and lovers. The game has become more personal. The psychological transformations that Batman will pass through to reach the point reached in the advanced parts of the game and will witness this development in the game where you will find at first angry and unwilling to listen to Alfred and with the end of the game you will find it became more soft and more wise and reasonable as The end-of-the-scenes scene contains a shot that can be seen as a dlc pad released by the company where you will be able to play Death Stroke or it may be a platform for a new DC game

The main drawback of this game is that you can not go back to the previous tasks or choose whether you want to return one of these tasks or not and the modifications they added to the personal development system where you will find that if you hang in an area you will not be able to return to the previous area or Modify your character so you can cross that task.

When the mugger or the ethif stops to think twice -that is fear-, that is what I am. that is why they hired assasins because I am the reason criminals breathe easier when the sun rises.

SO NO ALFERD! I am NOT in over my head, tonight will not be my end, but it will be their - batman

The game has inherited everything even the finer details from its previous parts and although this is not a bad thing in itself since the previous games were really a sign of its time in graphics and the development of fighting style and tools and although we wish we could see something new in these areas but the game But the attention to Batman's character and the story itself makes it all the better for her.


Il est excellent ce jeu Batman !
C'est vraiment des graphiques époustouflant !
Merci au développeur du jeu et pour ta critique ;)

pas de quoi et merci de votre présence ^_^ bn courage frere

Nice post! Follow for follow :)?

Yeah sure

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