[Top] Morgana BuildsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming5 years ago

morgana be victorius.jpg


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This build is recommended to play on top lane, can be used for mid lane too, but i don't play with that build on support, because role of the support is carry about the team, playing with active items, which heal and gives shield.


This is our key mastery rune. It can be used for poke enemies as well, but not only. In late game gives additional shield with morgana E skill. We can cast this rune many times, because when aery deal damage to enemy champion back to us, and we can use aery once again.

When we hit enemy champion we get additionaly 25 more max mana. It can be stack max 10 times, so we can get from this mastery 250 mana. This rune have 15 second cooldown, but trust me you can stack this rune really fast on top lane, when you play vs tanks or bruisers, which need farm minions near you and you just poke them with your abilities.

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This rune is for mid and late game. Gives 10% additional cooldown reduction after advancement for level 10. Anyway every % above the max cooldown cap is converted to addtitional 1,2 AD and 2 AP. Maybe it will be not that many times in use, but when we got already full cdr and we get blue buff from the jungle we get another AD and AP and it's cool.

This is aggresive rune, ignites enemies with 10 second cooldown and deal some damage. Rune make ability power damage, but it's cool, because maximalize dmg from the Q and W combo.

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This mastery work good with Morgana's Q skill. Deals additional 15-45 TRUE DAMAGE to enemies. It's really good choice for aggresive game style on top lane vs tanks.

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This mastery work the best after taking down every enemies. You earn 1 stack per unique enemy kill. Morgana passive heals from big minions and champions, but with that rune with all stacks heals in late game for additional 14% of dmg delivered to enemy champions. Good rune for sustain in teamfights.


Good start is just buy doran's ring and 2 potions. It's standard build and good for recover some mana for lane.

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Hextech GLP-800 it's my best choice for Morgana as first item and in my opinion can't be changed for any other item. It cost only 2800 gold, gives 600 mana, which is good for mana hungry skills, 80 ability power and 10% cooldown reduction. this item have everything what we need. For that price we get ACTIVE item, which slow enemies and clear wave. MUST BE ITEM!

Second item are Sorcerer Boots for ability power penetration. It's good item for playing top, cuz we can melt tanks so easy!

Liandry's torment is another good choice for playing Morgana on Top lane. With that item W skill is boosted to the moon. Tanks have no chance, even bruisers fall down when we have 3 full items and we make full combo E for shield and Q for catch target, W for maximalize damage and R for root enemies then we have some time to use another W for kill low hp enemy.

Zhonya's Hourglass is good defensive item, stop the time. Good moment for use this is make this after catching enemies with ultimate skill and W and then just get gold form for $WAG!

Sorry bro you play as tank this game? Ohh i didn't noticed that, you are so squishy with that full set of items like Sorcerer Boots, Liandry's and void staff :)

Ok, ok last item is for maximalize full penetration dmg and it's good for one shot targets without any tanky items like adc or mid laner.

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First we max W for wave clear, so enemy champions can't push us and of course when they can't push us, they can't take any turret plates.

Dark Blinding is OP skill, if you play Morgana and you land your skill shots well, you probably can kill everyone from enemy team. Q and W make huge damage, but we first of all need wave clear, and burn hp from tanks. Q on first skill root for 2 second and it's enough for make good damage. If you feel comfortable with skillshot try make Q and W combo in the same time, so you will not lose like 1 second between two skills.

Ultimate skill goes good with Hextech item, because we use active item for slow enemies and then we cast ultimate to chain surrendering enemies.

Last skill, which we max is black shield. This is only defensive skill with high cooldown. It can be use when we go all in to enemy champion, so they can't stun us or just for run away, when will be to hot around. The good thing of this skill is that work good with summon aery and can protect allies.


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buen contenido me encanta soy fanático de este juego y una buena morgana ya sea de sup o en mid puede carrear una partida

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