Electabuzz Community Day Recap - Perfect IV!

in #gaming4 years ago


Ahoy there! Yesterday the Electabuzz Community Day took place from 11 am through 5 pm local time. Usually there is 1 Community Day per month, however this month we have a theme with Electabuzz and Magmar both getting a Community Day. Magmar's Community Day will take place next weekend, Saturday November 21 from 11 am through 5 pm local time.

I decided that I didn't wanna play the full 6 hours this time, and instead aimed to play a bit less than 4 hours. So I left just past 1 pm to start playing. The weather was pretty bad as it was raining most of the time. I took an umbrella with me, but there was quite some wind so I didn't end up using it that much. With the friends I walked around with we often decided to stay at places where we would be out of the rain for a while before continuing on a small walk. Thanks to more spawns and Incense we still managed to get a decent amount of Electabuzz.

One positive thing about this rainy weather, was that the in-game weather was also rainy, causing Electric-type Pokémon to be weather boosted. Which means more Stardust and higher base IVs, thus leading to a higher chance to get 100% IVs.

Just 15 minutes after being outside, I saw a message in our Raids etc group of someone who caught a 100% Electabuzz nearby. So I started walking there, catching some Electabuzz on the way while maintaining a good walking pace to get there fast. That's where I saw quite some people I know, and from that point on I walked around with some friends that were already there.

Sometime later one of them checked their Pokémon storage on 4* and found that he had another 100% IV Electabuzz, apparently caught 10 minutes beforehand. Which means it must've been close to where we caught the wild one. However he didn't know if it was wild or from his Incense, none of our Journals went that far back to see if it ran away, and we didn't have one with that CP. So we walked back there to check just in case, but couldn't find it.

A bit later we heard about another 100% Electabuzz that was spawned in the wild, we walked there and managed to find it! Just before reaching that 100% Electabuzz there was also a 100% Minun that someone caught, but my device to help with catching already tried to catch it and it ran awya due to high level. Not too bad though as I did already have a 100% Minun. I'm glad most of those who didn't have one yet were able to catch that one!

Most Community Days I don't end up finding a 100% but this time I actually got two. That makes it really awesome! Here is a screenshot with both of them.

Two 100 percent Electabuzz!.png

When the event was coming closer to an end, it was time to start evolving a Shiny as I still had to evolve an Electabuzz for my Special Research. Which would then award me with an Electivire and since I didn't have it in my Pokédex yet I wanted to the Pokédex Registry to be with a Shiny Electivire for a nice screenshot! Here you can see the evolution process and Pokédex registry.

Shiny Electivire Pokédex Registry.png

I was able to catch 10 Shiny Electabuzz this event. Not that high of an amount for playing close to 4 hours, but due to using the Plus device to help catch more a lot of them ran away. As the higher levels mean they're more difficult to catch, and that device only throws 1 PokéBall. It's not bad though as I don't need that many Shiny Electabuzz.

During this event there was a high chance to receive Elekid from 2 km Eggs obtained throughout the Community Day. With 1/4th Hatch Distance as a bonus that means they would also hatch pretty quickly. As we often stayed in one place for a while due to the rain I couldn't hatch that many. From one of my Eggs I hatched a Buizel, all of the other 2 km Eggs gave me Elekid. I hatched 7 Elekid during the event, with one more Egg that didn't get hatched before the end of the event.

Shiny Electabuzz and hatched Elekid.png

The last part of the Electric for Electabuzz Special Research had an encounter with Electivire. This Electivire also knows the Community Day Charged Attack Flamethrower. Here is a picture of the encounter and its stats.

Electivire Special Research.png

After the event I traded some Electabuzz, not that many though as I didn't have a lot of time to stay around. From the trades I got 1 Lucky Electabuzz, which had worse stats than the Lucky I already had. During the event I already evolved the highest CP of the 100% Electabuzz and then I also evolved the best of my two Lucky Electabuzz so I could have Lucky Electivire in my Pokédex as well.

Evolved Electabuzz.png

What I do find odd is the choice for Community Day Charged Attack for Electivire. Flamethrower is a pretty odd move. There is no type advantage for the move on Electivire, and when it comes to PvP it's also not that great of a move, other Fire-type moves would've been a better choice. Especially with it being able to learn Thunder Punch and Ice Punch as Charged Attacks, it would've made much more sense if the Community Day move was actually Fire Punch. Next week with Magmar Community Day it'll learn a similar Electric-type Charged Attack.

That being said I did evolve that one 100% IV Electabuzz during the event to teach it the move. Who knows that I might sometimes be able to actually make use of it in some Raids or Gym battles. I then unlocked a 2nd Charged Attack on it, so I could give it its best Electric Charged Attack which is Wild Charge. I'll get the Stardust for that 2nd move cost back anyway. Now this Electivire is ready to be part of some fights!

Despite the rainy weather, it was a really nice Community Day for me!

How did yours go?

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