M&B Warband: The Story of Calradia's Conqueror - Part One

in #gaming7 years ago

What is Mount and Blade: Warband?

Mount and Blade Warband is a medieval style sandbox game with strategy during combat, as well as managing an empire. With a huge aspect of role play in it. You are a traveler whom can do anything they please, be a peasant for your entire time playing or become a mighty ruler of the lands you are on. The choice is yours in Mount and Blade: Warband.

Now let's get to the story!

Our story beings with a wandering traveler who showed up at the kingdom of Rhodoks two years ago, every person in the area has heard of him. From Lords to countrymen, his name is a household name. He went by the name of Alex, short for Alexandre, his story has believed to be originated from a country of France ways away from these lands.

When he arrived in these lands he was attacked by a bandit with knowledge of his arrival, he came from a wealthy family over there and his goal was to aspire to great power, bringing respect to his family name.

Shortly after he dealt with the bandit attack, he met a man who said he needed his help, offered him money to recruit local men in order to take out bandits nearby, like the one who attacked him. Alexandre agreed to help the man, it would bring some reputation to his name and help him gain the trust of the locals. Allowing him to muster a bigger and stronger army.

He set out on his mission to gather some locals, after mustering some men up he headed to a local training ground to train some of his men and prepare them for battle against these local bandits. Teaching them some basics for battle, this equipped them with the knowledge they needed to stay alive.

Soon after training, ​they were encountered by a sizable army of bandits wanting their gold and lives. Little did they know these were newly trained men from Alexandre, who was a great knight back in France. After a quick and fierce battle, the bandits quickly learned they had made a mistake, those who survived anyway​.


With the soldiers ready for war they continue their mission finding a massive army standing between them and those who​ terrorize​ the locals, a battle in which lasted for what felt like hours, revealed a force to be reckoned with. With a war path set for the home base of all these bandits, local towns were already praising Alexandre and his men.

To be Continued...

I hope you enjoyed this short story on Mount and Blade: Warband, the next installment will be coming soon. Be sure to be on the look out!


Thank You for Reading!

As always I would like to thank everyone for reading ​if you liked this content feel free to let me know in the comments below and/or by an upvote as well. I hope you all enjoyed​ reading this short story and wish to read more. As well I would like to thank everyone for your support!



I am sorry for not posting so consistently this past week, I am going to be starting a daily vlog series on YouTube, for anyone who enjoys my content and would like to see more, such as vlogs, go to my description and click on the link (as well as below) and hit that subscribe​ button. I will be posting my first vlog at the start of next week, see everyone soon!





@atezi beautiful and comprehensive article i am really enjoying it while reading it.

i think a movie should make on it @ateazi

misi ya ,,,,gue juga mau komentar,nih.. gak panjang koq tenang ajaa, saya sudah insaf komentar panjang lebar yang gak bermutu begitu… lagipula cape’ komentar panjang lebar yang gakada maksudnya dan gak pentingbanget kalo …dibaca terus dan sering membuat kita marah, kesel, dan bisa membuat naik darah, tenang aja komentar saya ini gak panjang dan gak lebar juga yang akan membuat anda marah dan kesal dengan komentar yang banyak basa-basi seperti komentar tetangga sebelah yang sering membuat anda marah dan juga kesal…. Padahal komentarnya juga gak ada maksud apa-apa dan agak gakbermutu, oleh sebab itu saya mengomentari status andatidak panjang dan juga tidak lebar yang akan membuat anda marah dan kesal atas komentar saya ini… padahal saya bermaksud baik kepada anda agar andatidak merasa marah dan kesal atas komentar saya yang tidak panjang dan lebar ini… karna saya tahu anda pasti marah dan kesal dengan komentar yang sayaberikan ini, padahal saya hanya mengingatkan anda.. karna saya pernah mendengar kata-kata dari kakek saya yaitu “berbicara panjang dan lebar, membuat orang lain marah dan kesal” maka dari itu saya membuat komentar yang tidak panjang dan tentu tidak lebar seperti tetangga sebelah,.. dan saudara saya juga pernah mengatakan “berbicara panjang dan lebar itu tidak baik” maka dari itusaya mengingatkan anda kembali agar ketika anda berkomentar tidak panjang dan lebar yang berisi basa-basi yang gak bermutu… karna bisa membuat orang lain marah dan kesal pada anda dan mungkin anda akan dipringati oleh orang lain yang melihat komentar anda yang panjang dan juga lebar… mungkin komentar saya ini tidak panjang dan tidak lebar-lebar yang bisa menutupi bola bumi dan mungkin juga bisa untuk membuat jalur jalan TOL yang bisa dilewati oleh orang-orang dan terkadang bisa macet ditengah jalan yang akan membuat semua orang marah dan kesal, pasti andaakan merasa pusing dengankemacetan jalan TOL, terutama bagi pengendara mobil yang sering memasukijalan TOL.. karna sepeda motor hehehehe

Any particular reason you are promoting this spam? As a witness are you not supposed to protect the community? @good-karma

I checked his account and noticed that he spams this on a lot of posts, and you upvote a lot of them.

@steemcleaners @cheetahbot

I would like for you to come look at this and decide what should be done, this is absurd...

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