Winterlan 2017: Another Year, Another LAN Party

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Last year I wrote about Winterlan, my annual gaming retreat. It's December again, which means time to haul my computer over state lines, roll up my sleeves and get ready to pwnz0r some n00blets. I would never write that unironically, in case that's in doubt.

There's the whole crew. Guess which one is me? Seriousface McGee, dead center, seriousing harder than ever before. This's serious. Anyways a few people had to back out last minute, one because of sickness and contagion concern, another due to work, another due to being unable to find a sitter.

This has been going on for 17 years now. It began as my buddy paul networking his Xbox with his friend's Xboxes (the huge original one) to play Halo and Halo 2. Now it's grown to ~20 people and Paul's had to extend the network to an adjacent room to handle spillover from the main one.

Not everything went smoothly. I forgot the power supply for my heated blanket. My keyboard died so I had to make a Wal Mart Run for a replacement, which doesn't even glow.


There was also brutal traffic on the way (a 102 mile trip) due to road work at two points. When I arrived, Paul had an extension cord run out so I could recharge, having totally drained my battery over the first quarter of the journey.

Nothing could stop me though. I always have such fun here, and feel so cozy. We've been playing new Doom, Rocket League, PUBG, Left 4 Dead 2, Suicide Survival (a HL2 mod), Heroes of the Storm, Vermintide and a few more.

I always make a point to play the 2013 remake of Rise of the Triad with the 3 other people who have it (or have even heard of it) because it's such deliberately unbalanced, ridiculous fun.

Suicide Survival is the other tradition, a game where one team is sentient potted plants who blend in with regular plants in vast gardens and can explode at will, where the other team are WW2 fighter pilots who try to nail the sentient plants with books before they can sneak up on them and explode.

I didn't promise it would make any sense. Fun has been had! Weed smoked, various alcoholic libations consumed, computer games played and funny internet videos laughed at. Just a bunch of nerds in a basement with their computers. That's what Christmas is about, Charlie Brown.

I've come so far since last year's Winterlan. I have a car now, I am making decent money at Steemit, I'm seeing somebody new and have a lot more put away into investments. I wonder where I'll be in my life by the time the next Winterlan rolls around?

<Stay Cozy!>


Dude, this looks awesome. I legit want to come next year! I haven't been to a LAN in like 10 years and I miss it big time!

Sucks the traffic was so hectic but it sounds like your trip was awesome so it makes up for it! Id love to do something like this.

Alex - You looks awesome there.... Enjoy well.... X'mas is still On....

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

looks as if a quite rad fucking time, bud. satisfied you had fun together with your friends and play a fuck ton of video video games. hopefully you will be in an excellent higher vicinity this time next yr. I assume you will without difficulty with the increase and progress you've made on here and for your existence in popular from what you've got shared, guy.

But the fun times as well as the time has passed .. very valuable ... have many friends, laugh each other, mock each other sometimes .. hahah .. satisfy life that is not playing

Seriousface McGee could pass as the de facto leader of this wretched hive of scum and villainy. Well done. Consider where you are today relative to where you were 3-5 years ago. It's important to give yourself a well deserved pat on the back from time to time for a job well done.

Sounds like you guys had fun and camaraderie, and aren't those the most important things this time of year, Charlie Brown?

May your sentient potted plants forever prevail!

You just reminds me my university time! We did a lot of LAN games as teams! It was an amazing experience! Our one of the best choice was Battle Field 1!
Thanks for reminding such great times I had few years back!


Loving the positivity @alexbeyman !! Keeping it real on the post entirely as well.. Im likely to believe you just may be baked right now.. :)


Wow lan party must be really fun. Everyone playing game at same place, challenging each other, having fun. Cool one must have been really fun.

I don't know where you live but it looks lovely! I love "wild" spaces @alexbeyman

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