[VR Let's Play] Orbus, Part 2: I Made Some Friends

in #gaming7 years ago

This is what happens. You disappear into VR in order to escape humanity, only for it to seek you out anyways. Probably there is some life affirming lesson in all of this, but I refuse to learn it. You can't make me. Get the fuck outta here with that heartwarming shit.


"You disappear into VR in order to escape humanity, only for it to seek you out anyways." How funny would it be if one day everyone in the world has a vr system. Then we start to teach are children that this life is not important and only the vr life it. Creating a vr economy we could effectively create an alternate dimension. Then people would no longer escape humanity while in the vr they would escape humanity by not using it.

When you peacefully trying to get some experience from little sheeps.
But stupid wargs gang at you...
Eh, It would be so much better if people wouldn't move with blinks lol.

That's optional. For example I'm using smooth locomotion, not teleport.

And it was a very good decision!
I have a feeling that moving with blinks is not comfortable at all.

We meet again, cowboy. It's me, mashed potato.
Mashed because I was ski jumping and then I tragically crashed.
Oh no I'm roleplaying, it's all because of the influence of that game!!

Nice introduction! Funny way you have to fight with the ugly Pokémon, is looks like a sadomasochism.lol
It’s so cool you can actualy talk to these people. It sounds funny. Anyway I enjoyed watching you play “Orbus”
You can tell your new friends you met in this game about Steemit.

If you need help editing these together and don't have the time, feel free to hit me up. I've got editing software and can string the footage together for you so long as you tell me how you want it. Sucks that it's crashing constantly for you though, that's pretty ridiculous that it's so unstable.

I appreciate the offer but it would add too much to production time and logistics to have to send you the video files. It's not that it's difficult for me, I just find the unnecessary hassle irritating, as the game shouldn't crash so often in the first place.

Oh, I totally agree. I find it hilarious that in this day and age people can still make games that barely work. I'm sure it just adds some frustration on your end, and figured I'd offer my help. If you record 3 or 4 episodes worth of content in a day though for example and you need help, I'm around whenever pretty much. Just hit me up on here or on steemit chat, the offer stands until some horrible ghostly creature consumes me :)

RIP sheeps.. When you were talking bout the bard that won't sing your songs I thought of the bard from Monty Python that was with the king in the forest singing about how he'd get smashed and killed.. :D

I think your sense of humor is a bit over their heads lol. What's up with that girl Kristine though, she makes some weird noises dude...

Oh, that's a nice game and a nicer story to fall asleep. Let's forget the ugly creature from the other game. You are the hero among these people here, I notice it! And by the way, I think you have impressed "kristina" very much with your sword-waving! Go on!

Awesome mate! You should also have a cam pointing at you, it's always good to see how your real movement translates to the one in game :)

That was some epic level of hilarity, thank you.

If only those poor poor saps knew the horror that was unleashed upon them... they would spontaneously combust.

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