Digimon World 1: Mojyamon Glitch

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

The first Digimon World was an interesting PS1 game, with it's unique gameplay and story progression. One thing that stuck with me long after playing it in my childhood though was the glitches.


This is the post version of my reply to the question "Tell us a story about that one time where your game glitched out." by @gamersunited.

In my childhood, I played a game called Digimon World 1, there were many glithces in the game, some break the game, some are used to exploit it and some are just funny to encounter. In my country (Libya) they sold a hacked version of the game that crashes when you try to train in the gym (and training is basically necessary to win the game.)

So, Mojyamon glitch happens when you buy more than few items from Mojyamon: In the play-through I completed the game in, I realized that I can trade Mojyamon cheap item with expensive one, this either gives me cheap recovery items OR get insane amount of money with enough persistence.

The glitch: (almost?) every time you trade with Mojyamon he moves a bit, if traded with him enough times his character model and the player's get stuck, if that happens the player (you) won't be able to move outside the area, and the only way out is to use the item (Auto Pilot) which sends you to your home base.

The first time it happened it was frustrating,
Unprepared (without Auto Pilot) the only option you have is to turn off the game!!
but it's funny when I think about it now.

It's like the game noticed your Get-Rich-Quick scheme,
and is punishing you for it, (this probably won't happen if you're trading one item or two.) The glitch is very fitting, it works by reminds the player of how evil they are!!

Another famous glitch is Giromon's music box!! You choose a piece of the game's soundtrack to play aaaaaaand Click!! ...The game stops. I hope you saved beforehand.

So he says ^ but he's out to destroy your machine.

Ah~ Memories~

Screenshot are found via google, are taken from this LP here and here. Wish I got an actual picture of Giromon's music box.

Great post man! It's always nice seeing what glitches one can experience in our gaming sessions, lol. Keep it up!

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