Agoes Gaming - Learn To Understand Hero Jakiro Game Dota 2 + Biography (Vol.89)[Billingual]

in #gaming7 years ago


Hello Steemian ...! Glad to see you again all the Steemians ...! how are you all, I hope all of you are fine, Amiin ...! Come back with me @agoesdeuge. Who always smile to make writing that you can understand for newly dive in Game Dota 2. May be useful for beginners in the Game. On this occasion I will discuss the hero who can be a Support to help the team in one game, which is where the skill he got was very useful early in the game and when the game arrived in the late position of the game. Hero I mean is Hero Jakiro.

Jakiro the twin head dragon is a long distance intelligence hero who harnesses the power of ice and fire with strong linear field spells. He can freeze enemies in place with the Ice Path, or slow it down with a double breath. He was able to handle heavy damage throughout the game by locking the enemy inside his Macropyre, and giving a big boost to Liquid fire. With a high base attribute gain and a relatively low cost, it requires several items to be effective. Jakiro is a constantly changing advocate of targeted profit making him a bit tougher than most spellcaster actors and his low cooldown ensures his downtime is very small, making him a great hero for ganks, pushing and clashing on the battlefield.


Having the advantage of a very deadly skill with Macropyre skill, aka sparks of fire that make your enemies burn and reduce the enemy's HP by removing the ultimate skill, by having Ice Path skill to freeze the enemy so as to reduce the movement and movement speed of the enemy.
It has a shortage of Mana, which is where it takes a lot of Mana while using Hero Jakiro's skills, as well as the ultimate Cooldown Skill that is pretty old.

About Jakiro hero

Jakiro is their best friend. Not content to just punish the enemy with fire, the twins freeze it in place to force them to stand there and burn. With burning enemies, they turn to inflict enormous damage to enemy structures with their liquid flames.


  • Support
  • Nuker
  • Disabler
  • Pusher

Biography Hero Jakiro

Even among the magical beasts, a twin-headed dragon is a freak. The same piece of ice and fire, cunning and angry, a creature known as jakiro slid over a charred and rhythmic battlefield, putting waste to anyone who would carry it. Pyrexae dragon paws always contain two fledglings. Famous for their cruelty even from the first moments of life, the newly hatched dragon of this species will try to kill their brother while still in his nest. Only the strongest survive. In this way, the strength of the Pyrexae line is ensured. With several natural accidents, the strange jakiro hatches from a single egg, combining one individual with the abilities found in the diverse Pyrexae species. Caught in his haughty body of arrogance, the forces of ice and fire combine, and now there are no safe enemies.

Well little I understand from Biography owned by Jakiro hero, and now I will take you deeper to explain and understand about this hero. Well now I will explain the Skill and Abilities owned by Hero Jakiro, let's check below.


Dual Breath

A cold blast followed by a flame wave that was launched on the street in front of jakiro. Ice slows temporary enemies.

  • Ability: Target Unit
  • Affects: Enemy Units
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell Immunity: No.
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Start Radius: 225
  • End Radius: 90 In level max
  • Burn Damage: 80 In level Max
  • Move slow: 40% In level Max
  • Attack slow: 40 In level Max
  • Duration: 5
  • Mana: 170 In level max

Ice Path

Ejects a straight ice that can make the enemy stun and can reduce the enemy's HP and reduce their Movement speed.

  • Ability: Target Point
  • Affects: Enemy Units
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell Immunity: No.
  • Dispellable: Strong Dispels Only
  • Formation Delay: 0.5
  • Duration: 2.5 in level Max
  • Radius: 150
  • Damage: 50
  • Duration: 9 In level Max
  • Where: 90

Liquid Fire

Jakiro burns his enemies in an area that has an effect with fire adding to his attacks, while slowing down their attacks.

  • Ability: Auto-Cast
  • Affects: Enemy Units and Buildings
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell Immunity: No.
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Attack Slow: 60 In level Max
  • Radius: 300
  • Burn Damage: 24 In level Max
  • Duration: 4 In level Max


Jakiro breathed a long lasting breath, which handles per second damage to enemy units caught in flames

  • Ability: Target Point
  • Affects: Enemy Units
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell Immunity: No.
  • Damage Per Second: 180 In level Max
  • Flame lengtd: 1400
  • Flame Width: 260
  • Scepter Damage per second: 225 In level Max
  • Scepter Flame per second: 1800
  • Scepter Duration: 30
  • Mana: 440 In level Max

Skill and Abilities Hero Jakiro that I have described above, hopefully to read these Steemians will understand the function and ability of Hero Jakiro. Now I will take you deeper to build a very useful Hero Jakiro item for your team.


Starting Items:


  • Animal Courier.
  • Observer Ward.
  • Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
  • Clarity, Use: Replenish, Range: 250.
  • Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.

Early Item:

  • Wind Lace +20 Movement Speed
  • Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed.
  • Magic Stick Active energy Charge. Max 10 Charge.

Late Game Item:

  • Mekansm, +5 All Attributes, +5 Armor, Active: Restore, Mana: 225, Cooldown Items: 65 Seconds.
  • Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Veil Of Discord, +5 Hp Regeneration, + 6 Armor, +6 Agility + 6 Strength + 14 Intelligence, Active: Magic Weakness, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 20
  • Guardian Greaves, +55 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, +5 All Attributes, +5 Armor, Active: Mend, Cooldown Item: 40 seconds. Radius: 900, Dispel Type: Basic Dispel.

Popular Items:

  • Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
  • Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana: 175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.
  • Tranquil Boots, +90 Movement Speed, +13 Hp Regeneration.
  • Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Arcane Boots, +50 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, Active: Replenish Mana, Cooldown: 55 Seconds, Radius: 900.
  • Glimmer Cape, +20 Attack Spedd, + 15% Magic Resistance, Active: Glimmer, Mana: 90, Cooldown Items: 14 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Rod of Atos, +20 Intelligence, +15 Strength, +6 Agility, Active: Cripple, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 16 Seconds.
  • Wind Lace, +20 Movement Speed
  • Rich, +16 Intelligence, + 10% Spell Ampliflcation, + 10% Manacost and Manaloss Reduction.
  • Veil Of Discord, +5 Hp Regeneration, + 6 Armor, +6 Agility + 6 Strength + 14 Intelligence, Active: Magic Weakness, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 20 seconds, Range: 1000, Duration: 16 seconds.
  • Aether Lens, +450 Mana, +1.25 Mana Regeneration. Increases targeted spell and item cast range by 250.


  • Level 10 Talent tree skill: + 25% XP Gain
  • Level 15 Skill talent tree: +250 Attack Range
  • Level 20 Talent tree skill: +150 Gold / Min
  • Level 25 Talent tree skill: Macropyre pure and pierces immunity

You really need the level to be able to contribute well. Therefore, stay on the lane and help your carry hero at some initial level. If you bring Clarity, you can do Dual Breath with Ice Path. Note also the position of your enemy. If you feel your opponent is out of position, you can kill him with the help of his Hero's skill. Just make sure you have a team mate who is doing damage.

If you feel you have enough level (level three or four), consider your options. If you feel the lane you are in need of help, stay on the lane or have your team mate kill the opponent's hero on the lane. If you feel the lane you are occupying does not need help, do another rotation and gank lane.

Here's what I can share for Steemian, more or less I'm sorry, see you in the next hero.

SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge

Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

Follow @agoesdeuge for next post about Dota 2 


Hello Steemian...! Senang bisa bertemu lagi dengan anda semua para Steemian...! apa kabar kalian semua, saya harap kalian semua dalam keadaan baik-baik saja, Amiin...! Kembali lagi bersama saya @agoesdeuge. Yang selalu tersenyum untuk membuat tulisan yang bisa anda pahami bagi yang baru terjun dalam Game Dota 2. Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang pemula didalam Game tersebut. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas hero yang bisa menjadi Support untuk membantu tim di dalam satu pertandingan, yang dimana skill yang ia punya sangat berguna di awal pertandingan dan saat game tiba di posisi late pertandingan. Hero yang saya maksud adalah Hero Jakiro.

Jakiro sang naga kepala kembar adalah seorang hero intelijen jarak jauh yang memanfaatkan kekuatan es dan api dengan mantra medan linier yang kuat. Dia bisa membekukan musuh di tempat dengan Jalur Es, atau memperlambatnya dengan napas ganda. Dia mampu menangani kerusakan berat sepanjang permainan dengan mengunci musuh di dalam Macropyre-nya, dan memberikan dorongan besar dengan api Cair. Dengan gain atribut dasar yang tinggi dan biaya mana yang relatif rendah, ia memerlukan beberapa item agar efektif. Jakiro adalah pendukung yang terus-menerus mengubah keuntungan bertarget membuatnya sedikit lebih tangguh daripada kebanyakan pemeran spellcaster dan cooldown rendahnya memastikan downtime-nya sangat kecil, membuatnya menjadi pahlawan besar bagi ganks, mendorong dan bentrok di medan perang. 


Memiliki kelebihan dari skill yang sangat mematikan dengan skill Macropyre, alias semburan api yang membuat musuh anda terbakar serta mengurangi HP musuh dengan mengeluarkan skill ultimate tersebut, dengan mempunyai skill Ice Path untuk membekukan musuh sehingga mengurangi pergerakan dan movement speed musuh.
Memiliki kekurangan dari Mana, yang dimana sangat banyak membutuhkan Mana saat menggunakan skill yang dimiliki oleh Hero Jakiro tersebut, dan juga Cooldown Skill ultimate yang lumayan lama. 

About hero Jakiro

Jakiro adalah teman terbaik mereka sendiri. Tidak puas hanya menghukum musuh dengan api, si kembar membekukannya di tempat untuk memaksa mereka berdiri di sana dan membakar. Dengan musuh yang terbakar, mereka berbalik untuk menimbulkan kerusakan besar pada struktur musuh dengan api cair mereka.


  • Support
  • Nuker
  • Disabler
  • Pusher

Biography Hero Jakiro

Bahkan di antara binatang ajaib, seekor naga berkepala kembar adalah orang aneh. Bagian yang sama es dan api, licik dan marah, makhluk yang dikenal sebagai jakiro meluncur di atas medan perang yang hangus dan berirama es, meletakan limbah kepada siapa saja yang akan memikulnya. Cakar naga Pyrexae selalu mengandung dua fledglings. Terkenal karena kekejaman mereka bahkan dari saat-saat pertama kehidupan, naga yang baru menetas dari spesies ini akan mencoba membunuh saudara mereka saat masih berada di sarangnya. Hanya yang terkuat yang bertahan. Dengan cara ini, kekuatan garis Pyrexae dipastikan. Dengan beberapa kecelakaan alam, si aneh jakiro menetas dari satu telur tunggal, menggabungkan satu individu dengan berbagai kemampuan yang ditemukan dalam spesies Pyrexae yang beragam. Terperangkap dalam tubuh angkuh tubuhnya yang mengerikan, kekuatan es dan api bergabung, dan sekarang tidak ada musuh yang aman.

Baik sedikit yang saya mengerti dari biografi yang dimiliki oleh hero Jakiro, dan sekarang saya akan membawa Anda lebih dalam untuk menjelaskan dan memahami tentang hero ini. Nah sekarang saya akan menjelaskan Skill dan Kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh Hero Jakiro, ayo cek di bawah ini. 


Dual Breath

Sebuah ledakan dingin diikuti oleh gelombang api yang diluncurkan di jalan di depan jakiro. Es memperlambat musuh sementara.

  • Ability: Unit Target 
  • Affects: Enemy Units 
  • Damage Type: Magical 
  • Pierces Spell Immunity: No 
  • Dispellable: Yes 
  • Start Radius: 225 
  • End Radius: 90 In level max 
  • Burn Damage: 80 In level Max 
  • Move slow: 40% In level Max 
  • Attack slow: 40 In level Max 
  • Duration: 5 
  • Mana: 170 In level max

Ice Path

Mengeluarkan es berbentuk lurus yang dapat membuat musuh terkena stun dan dapat mengurangi HP musuh serta mengurangi Movement speed mereka.

  • Ability: Point Target 
  • Affects: Enemy Units 
  • Damage Type: Magical 
  • Pierces Spell Immunity: No 
  • Dispellable: Strong Dispels Only
  • Formation Delay: 0.5
  • Duration: 2.5 in level Max
  • Radius: 150 
  • Damage: 50 
  • Duration: 9 In level Max
  • Mana: 90

Liquid Fire

Jakiro membakar musuh-musuhnya di daerah yang memiliki efek dengan api menambah serangannya, sementara memperlambat serangan mereka.

  • Ability: Auto-Cast
  • Affects: Enemy Units and Buildings
  • Damage Type: Magical 
  • Pierces Spell Immunity: No 
  • Dispellable: Yes 
  • Attack Slow: 60 In level Max
  • Radius: 300
  • Burn Damage: 24 In level Max
  • Duration: 4 In level Max


Jakiro menghembuskan nafas panjang yang abadi, yang menangani kerusakan per detik pada unit musuh yang tertangkap dalam api

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Affects: Enemy Units
  • Damage Type: Magical 
  • Pierces Spell Immunity: No 
  • Damage Per Second: 180 In level Max
  • Flame lengtd: 1400
  • Flame Width: 260
  • Scepter Damage per second: 225 In level Max
  • Scepter Flame per second: 1800
  • Scepter Duration: 30
  • Mana: 440 In level Max

Skill dan Kemampuan Hero Jakiro yang telah saya jelaskan di atas, semoga untuk membaca para Steemian ini akan mengerti fungsi dan kemampuan Hero Jakiro.  Sekarang saya akan membawa Anda lebih dalam untuk membangun item Hero Jakiro yang sangat berguna untuk tim Anda.


Starting Items:

  • Animal Courier.
  • Observer Ward.
  • Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
  • Clarity, Use: Replenish, Range: 250.
  • Iron branch +1 All attributes range: 200.

Early Item:

  • Wind Lace +20 Movement Speed
  • Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed.
  • Magic Stick Active energi Charge. Max 10 Charge.

Late Game Item:

  • Mekansm, +5 All Attributes, +5 Armor, Active: Restore, Mana: 225, Cooldown Items: 65 Seconds.
  • Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Veil Of Discord, +5 Hp Regeneration, + 6 Armor, +6 Agility + 6 Strength + 14 Intelligence, Active: Magic Weakness, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 20 
  • Guardian Greaves, +55 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, +5 All Attributes, +5 Armor, Active: Mend, Cooldown Item: 40 seconds. Radius: 900, Dispel Type: Basic Dispel.

Popular Items:

  • Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
  • Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana:175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.
  • Tranquil Boots, +90 Movement Speed, +13 Hp Regeneration.
  • Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Arcane Boots, +50 Movement Speed, +250 Mana, Active: Replenish Mana, Cooldown: 55 Seconds, Radius: 900.
  • Glimmer Cape, +20 Attack Spedd, +15% Magic Resistance, Active: Glimmer, Mana: 90, Cooldown Items: 14 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Rod of Atos, +20 Intelligence, +15 Strength, +6 Agility, Active: Cripple, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 16 Seconds.
  • Wind Lace, +20 Movement Speed
  • Kaya, +16 Intelligence, +10% Spell Ampliflcation, +10% Manacost and Manaloss Reduction.
  • Veil Of Discord, +5 Hp Regeneration, + 6 Armor, +6 Agility + 6 Strength + 14 Intelligence, Active: Magic Weakness, Mana: 50, Cooldown Item: 20 seconds, Range: 1000, Duration: 16 seconds.
  • Aether Lens, +450 Mana, +1.25 Mana Regeneration. Increases targeted spell and item cast range by 250.


  • Level 10 Skill talent tree : +25% XP Gain
  • Level 15 Skill talent tree : +250 Attack Range
  • Level 20 Skill talent tree : +150 Gold/Min
  • Level 25 Skill talent tree : Macropyre pure and pierces immunity

Anda sangat membutuhkan level agar bisa berkontribusi dengan baik. Karena itu, tinggallah di lane dan membantu hero carry anda di beberapa level awal. Jika anda membawa Clarity, anda bisa melakukan Dual Breath dengan Ice Path. Perhatikan juga posisi musuh anda. Jika kamu merasa lawan out of position, anda bisa membunuhnya dengan bantuan Skill yang dimiliki hero. Cukup pastikan anda punya rekan setim yang memberikan damage. 

Jika anda merasa sudah punya level yang cukup (level tiga atau empat), pertimbangkan opsi kamu. Jika anda merasa lane yang anda tempati masih membutuhkan bantuan, tinggal di lane tersebut atau minta rekan setimmu membunuh hero lawan di lane tersebut. Jika anda merasa lane yang anda tempati tidak memerlukan bantuan, lakukan rotasi dan gank lane lain. 

Inilah yang bisa saya bagikan untuk Steemian, kurang lebih saya minta maaf, sampai jumpa di hero berikutnya.

SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge

Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2 

Follow @agoesdeuge for next post about Dota 2 

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