#18: Fate of the Dragon Game Playthrough [Campaign against Dong Zhuo] {Cao Cao Mission 2} (Playing with Afiqsejuk!)

in #gaming6 years ago


Welcome back, readers! In this mission, I must kill Dong Zhuo and conquer Luoyang before my ally whom I found out was only Yuan Shao. It was an easy campaign which I completed it under thirty minutes. When I came to conquer Luoyang, it had few armies. Below is the prologue, dialogues, and missions. Signing off! Sejuk!


After the Yellow Scarves Uprising ended in failure, the senior eunuchs known as the Ten Regular Attendants wielded total power, betrayed the sovereign and oppressed all the officials. The court administration deteriorated and the people grumbled. Ou Xing staged an uprising in Changsha. In Yuyang, Zhang Ju rebelled, but after a short period, he was suppressed.

In the sixth year of the Zhong Ping reign era (189 AD), Emperor Ling passed away. The imperial household was in chaos over the question of the succession. He Jin, a relative of the new emperor, Shao was at odds with the Ten Regular Attendants. Dong Zhuo, the Governor of Xiliang, led troops into the Palace. Dong Zhuo deposed the Emperor and enthroned Liu Xie, Prince of Chenliu, who was nine years old (5 years younger than his deposed brother) as the new Emperor.

Dong Zhuo was appointed Prime Minister and imposed his authority on the entire court, which again caused great disorder and confusion. With Wang Yun, Minister of the Interior, Cao Cao plotted against Dong but failed. Reluctantly, Cao Cao was forced to present the precious dagger, which was inlaid with seven jewels and which Cao Cao had intended to use to assassinate Dong Zhuo, to Dong Zhuo as a gift. Cao Cao then fled for his life.

At home in Chenliu, Cao Cao enlisted aid and resources from Wei Hong, who was recommended for office as a man of filial piety and personal integrity. Cao purchased clothing, armour, and banners. As a result of Cao Cao’s recruitment efforts, many renowned heroes went to Cao’s camp to offer their services. At the same time, Cao Cao forged a decree in the Emperor’s name and sent it to all the distinguished generals and later received enthusiastic responses from Yuan Shao and the others. Thereafter, all the eighteen lords together headed for the capital to challenge Dong Zhuo.


Xiahou Dun: I am Xiahou Dun, the son of Xiahou Ying from Peiguo. I am willing to follow you with my elder brother Xiahou Yuan and one thousand heroes, to assist in your mighty undertaking!

Cao Cao: Your assistance to me is very important and I thank you.

Cao Ren: I heard you started military actions at Chenliu, my elder brother. My brother Cao Hong and I are willing to join you with our one thousand elite troops. We hope we can help complete your great tasks as speedily as possible.

Cao Cao: With your assistance, what need have I to worry?

Cao Cao: Generals! Dong Zhuo has oppressed the people and hidden the truth from the Emperor. He broke court rules in the imperial palace and killed thousands of people. He is guilty of the most horrible crimes which prove him to be a man without pride.

Now I hold a secret imperial edict to ally with all the lords in the realm to exterminate the traitors. Today we will march into Luoyang. We must behead the chief traitor there!

Cao Hong: We have our orders!


Kill Dong Zhuo

Occupy Luoyang before your ally


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