ADSactly Game Review - Vampyr

in #gaming6 years ago

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Welcome back fellow Steemians, it's that time of the week again, time for your weekly game review fix.

Finally someone has decided to move away from the idea of sparkling vampires and returned to the more darker realm of how we have always imagined these creatures of the night to be. Vampyr the game not only takes us back to the darker side of being a vampire, like in the days Bram Stoker and Anne Rice, but also gives the player the ability to choose just how dark that nature could be. The myth of the Vampire used to fascinate me growing up, with cult classics like Interview with the Vampire starring Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise. This was an amazing film that bridged the gap from the old tales of Dracula to a more modern audience. The film Bram Stoker's Dracula with Gary Oldman, Anthony Hopkins and Keanu Reeves from just two years before also took a much darker tone. These films were in my opinion the perfect setting for the vampire, a dark and mysterious creature, shrouded in the unknown with an ever unquenchable thirst for blood they can never control. How we went from that to Twilight, I honestly have no idea, and as much as I would love to spend the next five paragraphs explaining just how wrong it is to change the nature of established myth, let's get back to this game.

Vampyr is a epic return to the myths of old, set in the perfect era just at the end of the nineteenth century and has a strange yet welcome familiarity to both the previously mentioned films. The nostalgia alone is what got me to buy the game after watching the trailer, and part of this feels very much like Vampire - The Masquerade Bloodlines for those of you who can remember this amazing game.

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Our story begins with Doctor Jonathan Reid, after returning to London from the Great War in 1918, he wakes up in a mass grave as a vampire.

Overwhelmed with the vampire bloodlust, he unfortunately causes the death of his sister Mary, who was searching for his body nearby and is the first person he runs into in this uncontrollable state as a newborn. His actions alerts the nearby vampire hunters, who patrol the grave yards looking the newly sired to stop them before they can control their thirst. Reid takes shelter in an abandoned house and starts hearing the disembodied voice of his maker, a typical feature in the progeny of vampires. Realizing London is profuse with corpses, he follows the trail of blood to a bar, where the bartender points him to a suspicious patron, named William Bishop. William is caught feeding on a man named Sean Hampton, and the vampire Lady Ashbury kills Bishop and Doctor Swansea rescues Hampton, who then hires Reid to practice medicine at Pembroke Hospital.

After the room of patient Harriet Jones is found covered in blood, Hampton disappears, Reid then tracks him down for questioning, but insists he did not murder Jones and directs him to an underground haven for corrupted vampires known as Skals. There Reid discovers that Jones faked her own death, he also finds a corpse in the street with a brooch which belongs to his mother. He continues the search for the perpetrator which leads him to a cemetery in Whitechapel, where he finds his sister Mary with their mother, Emelyne. He realizes that Mary was turned into a vampire the night he fed on her, and now she is intent on killing him to rid herself of his voice, but dies trying. Reid vows to uncover the mystery behind the Skal epidemic, which he learns has been mistaken for the Spanish flu.

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"1791 was the year it happened. I was 24, younger than you are now. But times were different then, I was a man at that age: the master of a large plantation just south of New Orleans. I had lost my wife in childbirth, and she and the infant had been buried less than half a year. I would have been happy to join them. I couldn't bear the pain of their loss. I longed to be released from it. I wanted to lose it all... my wealth, my estate, my sanity. Most of all, I longed for death. I know that now. I invited it. A release from the pain of living. My invitation was open to anyone. To the whore at my side. To the pimp that followed. But it was a vampire that accepted it." - Louis de Pointe du Lac

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One of the better aspects of Vampyr is that the player has the choice of drinking the blood of the non-playable characters they meet or leaving them be, and this greatly affects the outcome and progress of the game.

To get more experience points in the game you have to drink the blood of these characters, and you have to get to know them a little better, because you also have to consider the consequences of what their absence would mean to those around them. This is a pretty awesome catch twenty two situation, where these choices matter and help immerse you into this world. The game moves at a slower pace but this works here as it really emerges you into the story, and you know by now that I'm all about the story. The main premise of the game is to gather information about his targets, study and change their habits, collect clues, and maintain relationships by communicating with the sixty citizens under his care in London hospital.

All in all this is a fun and very nostalgic game, the skill tree basically runs on XP which mean lots and lots of feeding, which is not only necessary to stay alive, but essential to to unlocking new vampiric powers. The biggest down side to Vampyr is the combat system, which could have been improved a little more, but there are some great supernatural abilities like healing, turning invisible, or conjuring pools of shadow. Unfortunately even with all those unique vampire-afforded abilities including some devastating ultimate powers, the simple combat loop does start to feel stale sooner than I’d hoped, however the deep story and huge amounts of side quests does make up for it. You can't always have everything in a game, and this has a even balance at the end of the day, and well worth the half price I paid for it.

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Vampyr is an action role-playing video game developed by the good folks at Dontnod Entertainment and published by Focus Home Interactive.

Dontnod Entertainment were responsible for bringing us Remember Me and the Life Is Strange series, as well as the upcoming 2019 game titled Twin Mirror, which looks pretty good. The game was released on all the usual suspects, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, and was originally launched in June 2018. As the game is still fairly new the chances are still slim of finding this at a very reduced rate, but you could have some luck at your local game shop under the second hand games. If you happen to be a PlayStation fan you are in luck, Vampyr is currently on special as part of the January Sale and is 44% discounted from the standard price. You will need to do some scrolling and can find this game on about page 13, along with loads of other games, well worth a look. So don't say I don't ever give you guys anything.

I give Vampyr a rating of 7.5/10

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In case you missed it, here is the previous game review

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.


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Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock

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necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ADSactly

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This game is really good, as much in the gameplay, the atmosphere and the soundtrack, everything is together to make a good game, the grip is nice, unlike many people I do not think the game is soft on the contrary I found that the game was very good as it is, neither too fast nor too slow, a good balance

The fighting system is good, certainly it's not madness but personally I really appreciated it changes a bit of other games, each attack consumes endurance and dodge it gives a strategic aspect, you can not to stuff the enemy at the risk of getting rustling: yes:

The dialogues are of paramount importance in this game, in fact there is a system of clues and at each clue found you have a possibility of dialogue that is unlocked, which can inform you about the situation of the neighborhood in question and help you advance in the story, especially to better understand the state of the neighborhood and understand the situation of NPCs, namely that the more you unlock clues the more you will earn xp if you decide to kill the NPCs in question

You will have choices to make during this long adventure that will influence the story, you will have overall 3 choices to make, a council do not take your decision lightly because each action counts, you can play the kind vampire or the vampire thirsty for blood, without pain or remorse, the game gives you the choice to embody who you want to be, but you will have to assume the consequences of your actions, indeed the game has an automatic backup system, once a choice is made there you can not go back

You also have a system of skills, which is very well done you can globally improve your abilities of vampire (the powers), improve your endurance, your health, your capacity of blood, for the rest I let you discover it

The crafting system is quite nice, it will allow you to improve your hand-to-hand weapons and your firearms by bringing together elements that you can find in homes, the street and in sellers' homes. You can also create remedies to treat NPCs (this will help improve the health situation of the neighborhood, as well as improve the quality of blood NPC that has the effect of bringing you more xp if you decide to eat them obviously

There is no choice of difficulty, it is simple the more you feed at most the game is easy, you feed you become more powerful, but this power at a certain cost ... Obviously you can not eat everyone from the beginning there is a system of Charm, that is to say the iron and the main frame you increase the level of charm and so you can eat more powerful NPCs

The life is more than adequate thanks to its re-playability, I put about 20 hours to finish the game (without the torch)

The game is entirely in English, personally it did not bother me so much that it allows to work on his English: hap:

Graphically it's not crazy but it's not disgusting, some textures badly done all the same it does not prevent a total immersion

The soundtrack is immersive and reflects the gloomy situation of London at this time (epidemic of Spanish flu, war etc ...)

If I should notice some negatives I would say the absence of fast movement even if it is not very serious, it can quickly become tiresome, some bugs of animations

In conclusion despite its shortcomings Vampyr is a very good game that comes with its many qualities to forget its defects, I strongly advise you

I agree with you, my friend @MorkRock, in the taste for the classic vampire stories, those derived from Dracula by Bram Stoker, with such a good film version made by Francis Ford Coppolla (although there's the old Nosferatu by Murnau). Crepúsculo seems very glamorous to me, and the most recent ones a bit dirty.
The game "Vampyr" looks very attractive, according to its presentation and description, and what you can see in the trailer. I hope to have the opportunity to access it and play it (By the way, I thought that form of interactivity was very daring through the player's participation in the blood drink, as I understood it). Thank you for your always complete and enjoyable information, and @adsactly for publishing it .

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