How to be a gentleman in League of Legends

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

 It is not known today that the League of Legends can be blamed, although it does not consist only of people who do not know how to behave. The truth is that a large number of LoL players are people who can not function normally in the world. 

Fortunately, I am one of the players who can keep playing without playing badly! I will give you some tips on how to be a gentleman in League of Legends. 

1) Help your jungler

 Believe that a good jungler can change the outcome of a battle. You can help him in the first 2 minutes of the game when the monsters are respawned. Just help him with blue / red buff and the rest will do the same. If he starts well with your help he will probably maintain this state, he will get more gold and items and he will be stronger. In addition, you will be grateful and will often help you!

 Help jungler, and then he will help you;)

2)Do not get angry for nothing

A team mate / jungler has just stolen your kill. What are you doing ?

  • a) you write him that he stole your kill and you challenge him with idiots,
  • b) you leave the game,
  • c)  you are happy because you have assist

 Yes ! If you chose the answer C you are a good man :) Friends, do not forget that LoL is a team game! If someone steals your kill once, nothing will happen, and it will certainly be better than an insult. 

3) Don't be instalock

 Instalock - means simply instantaneous selection of the character and approval of it. On normals this is a very common cause of many quarrels. I know it's just normal, but lack of communication at the beginning of the game is a big mistake. You should talk to your teammates about your position and I am sure that if you ask nicely you will get the position you want to be :) The atmosphere is important on the way to the winner. 

When it comes to ranked - there is a sequence of dialing and assigning to the position. If you have not been chosen in such a position you just have to deal with it, or ask a friend to change. 

4) Don't leave the game 

No matter if you play a regular or normal game - NEVER come out of the game. This is one of the worst behaviors that can be. 4 vs 5 does not bode well. If you only have 30 minutes of free time and you do not know how long the battle will take and you start playing, it is MISTAKE. If you do not know how much time you have, just do not play or spoil other fun.

 5) They killed you because the team did not help you? Don't start feed

In many cases it is so that when the team does not help the player he begins to feed and spoil the game. It does not do that.  No feed under revenge. Not only do you make the team angry but it is still yourself. Just play cautiously and ask again to help you!

6)  Motivate your team

 Sure, advice from good players is valuable, but the offending side of them is no longer. It's unpleasant when you challenge someone when they make a mistake. He does not give anything but he is even more pissed and stressed out. Explain what he is doing wrong, and do not call him!

7) Do not play Teemo 

Nobody likes this motherfucker.  (JOKE)



I'm a total noob at this game. Even tough I was playing seriously trying to learn I was shot down and reported straight away. And I never said anything bad in the chat xD. Now I'm avarage as support and top lane. I started noticing the one that shouts the most in chat is usually the one that dies the most.

God of this game :D

what's your rank? ^^

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