UnDead Death Knight Life - Random Battleground Domination in the Silver Shard Mines - 100% Power UpsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

My other main hobby is of course gaming, especially World of Warcraft although I spend a decent amount of time playing GTA V Online as well. I love everything about MMO's and I especially love PvP. I've been playing PvP since the early days of Doom when you could only do multiplayer via inter office network. We would bring our entire desktop over to each others homes and network there and ya I never stopped loving it though I parted ways for the most part with FPS when i finally gave WoW a try in 2008 just before the launch of Wrath Of The Lich King. I've tried a few other things since then but I always come back to WoW. It's just that awesome. I should probably get a job there or something. I am pretty excited about Digibyte and the possibility to earn their token by playing World of Warcraft as well as League of Legends and Counter Strike GO another previous favorite. I may get back into that one day. I am always surprised to hear it's still around. I've been playing it since it first came out and TFC before that and Half Life before that. I actually had a top tier TFC Clan back in the day. I would very much like to return to that level of play.
There's a million things to criticise about this video, I am working with a lot of sub standard equipment for the time being but as my portfolio grows so will my Tech. :) That said I still totally Rek and even dine on the alliance in this video. MMMMM salty alliance tears, sooooo delicious. That's right I am Horde For Life!!!! a Horde Maximalist if you will. I have never fully leveled an alliance toon and i probably never will. I had to start a few for certain spy missions and achievements but i' haven't been over level 70 and that was one time only in the first days it was the first toon i tried before i discovered how much better life was on the Horde side. Everything else never made it past i think i had a level 40 gnome once. I know i had the gnome just not sure on the level. I deleted it. I wanted one cause i was tired of getting ganked by them. Those of you who play will remember those days in Wrath. The Horde, well there just my people, well more my people then the alliance. I don't really have people, that i'm aware of.
Ninjatoast is without a doubt my oldest toon but i have several others leveled or close, a Tauren Resto Druid, Pandaren Mistweaver Monk, Goblin Marksmen Hunter, Blood Elf Holy Priest, Blood Elf Destro Warlock, and a Blood Elf Havoc Demon Hunter
Yadda yadda here you go. Oh and this is an excellent Demo of HOW TO FIGHT ON THE CART!!! FFS!!


I played wow since2006 and stopped with the pandaria game.
After that i lost the fun in the game.
The good old raiding days are over.
I raided naxxramas, AQ40,BWL, and it was fun until the lich king.
After that, they screw the game up with the LFG option, and that everyone could earn some epics.
That was really stupid of blizzard, the whole epic special items feeling are gone.
And i was a guildleader and raidleader.
I did magtheridon with 17 man, on level 70!
And reached the first wave in mount hyal. :)
yes those where the days.
Now i only play an wow app called warmana.

yes that seems to be the contention of many Pre- Wrath Folks. When I got in Blizzard had just started implementing LFG and honestly I like it. I'm glad they did. Yes a certain social aspect was lost but leveling the playing field and making more content more available to everyone i.e. epics was a smart move on their part. not everyone wants to eat sleep and breath the game. don't get me wrong i've gone through plenty of binges where I do exactly that and during those times i talk a lot of shit to people who don't but still.....outside lookin in, ya 24/7 players are a rare breed and so the game will be around for some time to come because of the choices Blizzard has made. also I appreciate the PvP aspect of it far more than the content so ya actually i really love that they made it all so much easier to get. I love that i have seven legendaries. i'm glad everyone else does to. i think it's part of the passing of the world where we define ourselves by what we have that others don't and focus more just on enjoying it all and being happy that everyone else gets to also.

You got to be kidding, 7 legendaries.
Ofcourse its nice to have something like that.
But the reason many people, like me, prefer to had it in the old ways.
Is because getting epics in the old ways, required skills, teamwork and patience.
Like for excample a legendary.
There where qeust to grind for months, or they had to grind raid bosses.
Thats even worse, because you needed 40 men for that.

So to lead 40 man and trying to kil a difficult boss, required some tactics, crowd control, and dicipline, or its a wipe.
And people where forced to go in guilds to get bosses like that.
Thats different with LFG, were bosses are easier, and its easier tofind a group.
So, in some way they removed the challenge of the game, and there for dropped the number of players .
And thats to bad because WOW was a great game, and got a great story.
but they kind of removed the challenge from the game and the ones who knows that, played before the LFG system.
But dont get me wrong, i am just saying for the died hard players, they destroyd the game.
Back in the days, they had events like opening of AQ, where those AQ bosses walked around, or those Kruul visited stormwind.
Or that dragon of the blasted lands, could be kited back to stormwind.
I did it with my hunter :)
But that is not possible anymore.
And i never played pvp, i was more into raiding.
That was every evening strict represent 8 o clock, with a full raiders team ready for action.
yeah i sometimes miss those days, i played for 5 years i think.
And made many friends, thats WOW, a great game!

ya i get it but when i stop to think about it. I don't like grinding, I don't like doing the exact same thing repeatedly literally hundreds even thousands of times so i can add piece of artwork to my 3d character, it's really just not that fun. as for skill it's still required especially if you do PvP. Also so much has been added to the game over time if it was still as hard now to get items, no one would play it save the few uber fans like you and heck i might even have stuck with it if i got into the right guild regardless, i guess it boils down to a matter of preference, i'm not gonna tell you that you like the wrong thing, i'm sorry the game has not lived up to your expectations (zero sarcasm intended), it does suck to be disappointed and i hope you found something better. did you? now i'm curious, what do you play now? i wanna play!!! :)

Yes of course, its just my opinion, not the general truth.
When i was playing, was a different time zone.
Then i had one kid, and now 2 .
Last time i played was 2011, i had not time to play.
So I dont play games as much anymore, i sometimes play with my son black ops zombies, or when i am bored Age of Wushu, kungfu style Mmorpg.
My son is 7, so now he is in the time zone, to play all kind of games.
But if you want to play, then you need to play.
I must say after i saw the movie, i felt the alliance calling me.
So when me and my woman have more time, then of course we play again.
But that doesn't mean, we can't criticize the game!
Yes, me and my partner played side by side, she a healer and me dps.

ya if i ever found a woman that liked to game as much as i do i would be married with kids too, oh well. I always imagined it would be fun to have kids and game with them as well. i can't imagine it not have some sort of positive effect on the whole family bonding dynamic. still haven't seen the movie, forgot there was one actually. i'll have to check it out though i doubt it will sway me from Horde Life. :)

Lol it happened back in 99, when i was playing command and conquer.
I could not get further on some part, and my woman was watching on my back.
Then i stopped out of frustration, and she continued and finished the job.
I thought WTF??? thats when i knew, yes SHE is the ONE!
Since then we had two computers side by side, and play games every night.
SMoking / drinking /eating and gaming, i was done with outside world lol

I envy you my friend

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