Social Gamification Of The Crypto Portfolio

in #gamification7 years ago


Your Crypto Portfolio - Gamified, for the next generation.

Investing was historically a rather stuffy, elitist affair. Crypto has turned that paradigm on its head. Now, anyone can speculate, and have fun doing it. Sprinkle some narcissism and social gamification and you get, a website I recently discovered which takes the concept of a crypto portfolio and aims it squarely at the new generation of savvy crypto investors.


Currently "That-1-Guy" is the top ranked member, with a very respectable portfolio of mainly Siacoin. People can follow and comment on their favorite profiles.


I remember one of the Steemit creators (it was either Ned or Dan) describing Steemit in an interview. He said you could look at it as a "social media game." Games were indeed one of the first spaces to take full advantage of cryptocurrency, so if you come from the opposite direction, starting with crypto, it's quite straightforward to gamify the whole space.


They have their own API, so things are set to expand and develop over time. For now, they're linked with Poloniex, Bittrex and Coindesk.


The altpocket website syncs with your Exchange and displays your portfolio for the world to see. Leaderboards give kudos to the top investors, and a benchmark to compete with. It's all very new, young and trendy. Who knows? - The site could crash and burn, but I think it's a fantastic concept and I hope it does well.

Check it out here ..

Words: Condra. Top image from Pixabay
Also, for the record: I'm not affiliated with in any way.


that looks cool! never heard of this before :P

Definitely getting onboard! 👍

Thanks for the comment. Following you now :)

Follow back!

Thanks, looks interesting :)

Cheers. Yeah I hope it takes off.

Great find @condra. I'm going to look into it now. Thanks.

Cheers. It's a cool site eh.

Oh, that sounds like fun! I'll check it out. Thanks for the info, @condra.

Gamification really is the future for sure, and this is further proof. What a great concept. Thanks for the heads up.

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