Unreleased Sega Saturn Prototype Sold on eBay

in #games7 years ago

It is not all that often that we get news that a Sega Saturn prototype has surfaced. Armed, an unreleased game by Point of View who was developing it for Interplay, is a 2D side scrolling action game. Everything seems to feature pre-rendered graphics (you either love the style or hate it), some parts are missing music and there are no cut scenes in this build. This title was originally in development during the mid-1990’s with a possible release date set mid to late 90’s. According to the eBay listing, this build of Armed is fully playable. The Buy It Now price was set at $2,500 plus $20 shipping, it has since sold and is presumably on the way to its new owner. There is good news for those wanting to play this unreleased Saturn game, after the jump of course.

Armed_Aftermath_Sega_Saturn_unreleased_prototype_Interplay (3).jpg

According to the Assembler Games forums (starting on October 5th, 2017), the path of ownership for Armed, aka Aftermath, goes something like this:

Armed aka Aftermath Sega Saturn Unreleased Prototype

A gentleman known as Don Russell purchased a Sega Saturn with 50 to 100 games off Craigslist at an undefined point in the past. According to Assembler Games forums member, A Murder of Crows, one of the titles included in this collection, among other unreleased/prototype Sega Saturn games, was Armed (Aftermath).

Mr. Russell traded Armed and another game called Bedlam to a person named Drew Kerns, residing in Oregon, for Delisoba and Eyeful Home. An agreement was reached regarding dumping the two unreleased Saturn games prior to sending them to their new home.

Armed aka Aftermath Sega Saturn Unreleased Prototype

Mr. Russell, presumably the person that listed Armed on eBay (location is said to have been Sherwood Oregon), has allowed a ROM dump of Armed to be made early in October of this year. Heading over to the Assembler Forums you can grab a copy of the Armed ROM file for free, it is hosted on the Mega file sharing network. Please respect the original uploader and refer readers to the Assembler Games forums for the link rather than sharing just the link as there is a bit of history worth knowing on this one.

Source: Assembler Games forums, Retrocollect, eBay, and Twitter


I see you are still doing your thing, playing great games.

A while ago I had the chance to play this old scool game computer, A gamepad with 2 joysticks. But the cool thing was only oldscool games. Streetfighter, pacman. etc it was super fun Old scool rocks :)

I need to get a working Saturn emulator so I can play this one. I want to but have yet to find a reliable emulator.

Nothing wrong with the old school titles. Capcom got it right with the first Street Fighter in my opinion, no need for those add-ons and updates they released. lol

Pac-Man is always a classic but I prefer Asteroids myself. Just fun blasting and going for a high score in that one. Have you ever played Stampede on the Atari 2600? That is another that was interesting for back in the day, doesn't have real great replay value but it is still interesting.

Atari, my older cousin had one. Besides that it was much fun, i can not remember which game he played. Last time was more about 25 years ago. But I do know It was a sort of Donkey Kongi-ish.

For sure just simple blasting is def cool.

Have a good day there!

If it was Donkey Kong-ish then it probably was Donkey Kong as there was a port of that arcade title for the Atari 2600 (not a great one but it is there). The only other games that I can think of that are similar would be Burger Time or Mario Bros (both good games in their own rights).

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