
Yeah, it probably had its flaws... The physics of the first game especially were a bit clunky.

I remember though, the second version was a lot of fun to play with friends. I once sneak used the comparatively "fast" Internet access during a middle school biology class (I think it was, we were researching animals) and found cheats, that we would then use aggressively during multi-player sessions as well. :p I was initially looking for information about rabbits, but one of the first search results on the then popular Altavista search engine happened to be cheats for the game. :)

Probably mostly the nostalgia that makes it so good for myself. But they weren't bad games.

I completely agree that the Jazz games were not bad, they just weren't quite what I was looking for when I played them. I felt the same way about Unreal versus Quake - it just wasn't quite what I was looking for.

I grew up on consoles though so that meant having a Nintendo NES and the Super Mario games which were hard to beat. Still, Jazz broke ground in an area that Mario still has not attempted with any real backing - PC action platform 2D games. For that, Jazz deserves respect.

That's interesting, for me it was the other way around. I grew up on PC; DOS, then Win 3.1, then Win 95, etc. (Super Mario was one of the early DOS games I played.) Having a Nintendo 64 was my dream and eventually I accidentally got a Super Nintendo instead. I had already played some NES emulators on PC by then, but it was still a noticeable difference that took some getting used to.

I was limited to TRS-80 and TI-94's till around 1998 or so myself - that is when I decided to take this "windows plunge". I mainly had a computer around for one thing, writing. I wrote school assignments using them, short stories, fan fiction, etc. and saved it to audio cassettes or floppy disks later on (such as on my brother's Commodore 64).

I remember playing a lot of games on my brother's C64 along with my friend @JerryPerkinsII and on his C64. IT was an awesome computer and deserved such a long life that it has been enjoying.

Sounds awesome... Makes me wish I had gotten to experience that era. =)

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