Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record Pushes Virtual Reality in Franchise

in #games5 years ago

Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record (PDVR) the latest entry in the classic franchise was just announced. When Sega announced the Sega Saturn console one game that stood out the most, at least to me, was Panzer Dragoon. While I didn’t pick up a Saturn at launch, I did wear out the demo unit at Electronics Boutique thanks to a friend working there (he would put in Panzer Dragoon for me). Fast forward a couple decades and we are still enjoying Panzer Dragoon titles. This time enhanced for Virtual Reality. What a circle this has been.


Panzer Dragoon and Virtual Reality seemingly connected at the hip

When Sega first launched their dragon simulator Virtual Reality was still in its infancy and was just a buzz word. Now we are seeing an entry for the popular Sega flying dragon franchise enhanced for Virtual Reality. Kind of cool yet eerie at the same time.

According to the press release Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record is “… a VR dramatic shooter.” Yeah, that sounds about right when describing riding a dragon that shoots energy. I will accept that description.

What fans can expect

Well, first, this is pretty much a remake of the first three games in the franchise. This time we will be able to play them with better graphics and enhanced for Virtual Reality. That is if you have the computer to do it.

The press release specifically mentions a “… new input method that likens the VR controller to a handgun of the dragon rider.” Interesting. I take that to mean no more button pressing to switch views in the middle of the action – we can now just look in a direction and shoot. That is awesome.

Not much else known about Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record

Yep, that is about all we know right now. There is no information on platforms supported, those will be announced later. What is here is interesting though and great news if you have a Virtual Reality setup (and it ends up being supported).

Can’t get enough of Sega's dragon riding franchise? Check out this Amazon link, it is an affiliate link and we get a small commission if you use it (it costs you nothing extra). If you prefer eBay, we have you covered – again, affiliate link and all that jazz. Finally if you prefer to pick up local to you, check out GameStop affiliate link for a great deal.

Want to check out more Sega fun? We have your back.

This article was originally published on Retro Gaming Magazine, a gaming website I own.

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