Rainbow Brite New Coleco Mini Arcade Gameplay

in #games6 years ago

Today Coleco launched their Kickstarter campaign for their new mini arcade units. The first two titles, of what is surely to be a line of games, is Robotech: Macross Saga and Rainbow Brite.

The Coleco mini arcade was an iconic release in the 80's, something that set Coleco apart from other game manufacturers by bringing the arcade games home. These new mini arcades will retain many of the traits of those classics including custom artwork, familiar design, and of course, great games.

Rainbow Brite is an original game based on the Hallmark franchise, her first time in video games. This adventure will remind fans of classic adventures such as NIntendo's Legend of Zelda.

Want to support these titles? Head over to Kickstarter and throw your support behind this campaign so they can make more. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/903316019/coleco-evolved-mini-arcades?ref=9smf7c

▶️ DTube

It's kind of dumb how badly I want both of these... :)

Sweet! I had some of these mini arcade games as a kid abd for the life of me I cannot remember which games they were. I remember finding one ages later and the batteries did the ol penut butter rot. Lol

I never had the fun of playing one of these back in the day though later in life, I found myself wanting one. Lol.

Now it’s gonna bother me. For some reason I want to say Galaga but I can’t be sure. I’ll have to ask my sister as I think it was hers. I just used to use it but I was so little.

This may be Rainbow Brite's first and last video game from the looks of it. For Coleco's comeback (and after the Colceo Chameleon disaster) they should have went with something a bit more blue chip.

To their credit, they did get out of the Chameleon fiasco after putting Mike Kennedy's feet to the fire over the prototype (which he could not produce).

I spent over a year covering that vaporware lie, long before it was known as the Coleco Chameleon - had friends that knew dude telling me he was just waiting to sue me. Lol. The problem was, everything was sourced on his own statements in interviews and such so to sue me would mean admitting he lied.

I even interviewed Mike and his "team" after Hell surely froze over because up to this point, I had spent the last 8 months or so not writing anything nice about them.


Full disclosure, I know the owners of Coleco. I interviewed one of the members here - https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=VN3s1ogBm80

That does not mean I am on the "inside" of their operations. I keep my distance as a journalist when it comes to professional matters.

The choice of Rainbow Brite, I think is a good one actually. It is not an existing game, it is all brand new so the only way to play it is here. Also, I figure Hallmark has some kind of retail option on these. I understand that the character and story are not exactly ideal for older male gamers but for families and younger girls? It could be a hit.

They have already hit their Kickstarter goal and are going for the stretch goal now - less than 12 hours into the campaign.

That speaks volumes for fans wanting these things.

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