How I coped with a gaming addiction.

in #games7 years ago (edited)

When my health started to hit its lowest point,
I was unable to do anything that would cost me too much brainpower.
I used to do a language study but because I could not focus well anymore I had to give it up.
So the only thing that I could do at that time to keep myself busy was play games.

So I started diving into games like Flight simulator, Skyrim and Minecraft.
At some point expecially minecraft. Probaly because it was fun to play online.
And at that point I was doing nothing but games. I was completely into it.
I know I was starting to get addicted. I had absolutely no life. Not that I could help it at
that time because of my bad health.

But to show the scope of what I mean by going no life, just look at this.
2016-07-03_19115410317644 (2).png


This is 1:1 scale and took me more than a month to build. In survival mode.

But now since the past year my health has slowly been getting better.
And I went to my old internship to see If I can do some work.

By getting back at life, I truly started noticing that I have build up a gaming addiction.
Expecially when being at home I always had the tendency to turn on a game and just play.
And then time would pass really quickly. And when being outside I could only think about
what would be the next thing I was going to do in game, after coming home.

The good thing about all of this is. It started to truly annoy me. I really started to notice that now that I was getting better, my urge to play games was holding me back. And I recognised my gaming addiction. Actually when I first heared about gaming addiction I was skeptic wether something like that could exist, until I got it myself.

Now recently I made the turn around. I knew I was addicted. And I also knew that when I was playing I was completely wasting my precious time. So I decided to force myself to not play games all together before dinnertime, so I could focus all my efford during the day on improving my skills and finding a job. After making this switch I became alot more productive instantly.
And my need to play games is a whole lot less. I still play them sometimes after dinner with a friend of mine. But even then It still feels as if I'm wasting my time a bit, and I don't play that long anymore.

Now playing games is more fun again because I do it less often.
And I started to involve myself in 3d modeling and Language study again.
Things are also looking brigher when it comes to my health.

I'm not sure if I can speak for others that have the same problem as me.
But if you do have a gaming addiction and its getting in the way of your life.
You could try to turn the switch in your head and not allow yourself to play games during specific times.
For me during the day works best and has been very helpfull.
I hope it helps

Thank you for your time,
wish you great health
and positivity.

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