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RE: [CLOSED] Bet Your Upvote Playing Poker For Free and Win Steem - run #8966

in #games2 months ago

Games results:
@walkerlv win, Qs,6s,6h,Jd,Qd vs Kh,7s,6c,Ah,Ac -> Two Pair, Q's & 6's, around 0.0018 SBD
@leno4ek win, 9h,5c,Ah,7h,6h vs 5h,2c,8c,Th,6d -> A High, around 0.00033 SBD
@francesca16 win, 3c,7d,Kd,Qd,3s vs 8c,Qh,9s,6d,Ah -> Pair, 3's, around 0.000090 SBD
@jplaughing lose, Ks,9s,7c,Td,5d vs 8h,Qs,8d,2h,6s -> Pair, 8's
@stefannikolov win, Ac,Th,Td,Qc,Tc vs 3c,4s,2d,Jc,6s -> Three of a Kind, 10's, around 0.00023 SBD
@darksin87 lose, 4h,Qs,5c,Jh,8d vs Jd,Js,7s,Kd,Th -> Pair, J's
@yoshi361 win, 4h,Qc,2s,Qs,Tc vs 8d,2h,Ad,5d,2c -> Pair, Q's, around 0.00078 SBD
@dennitsa win, 6h,Ks,Kd,Tc,3s vs Td,6c,3c,Qs,3d -> Pair, K's, around 0.000078 SBD
@antonioc win, 9h,Js,5h,5c,5d vs 2c,Qd,6s,Jh,As -> Three of a Kind, 5's, around 0.0000029 SBD
@antgio lose, 9c,4d,Td,7c,3d vs Jd,6d,Jc,5s,Tc -> Pair, J's
@alfandante win, 3s,2c,3h,6d,8d vs 9s,8s,2s,Jc,Qs -> Pair, 3's, around 0.0000029 SBD
@filmass lose, 9d,Js,6c,7s,2h vs Ts,Ah,2d,8s,5s -> A High
@filodatt win, Ac,Qs,4d,Js,Qd vs Kh,5h,3h,5s,Td -> Pair, Q's, around 0.0000029 SBD
@giusiartusi lose, Jd,Th,3c,Ac,Qd vs 5c,5h,5d,3s,9d -> Three of a Kind, 5's
@domepott79 win, Ks,Qc,2h,2d,Js vs 8c,2s,Qh,9s,2c -> Pair, 2's, around 0.0000029 SBD
@armadilib win, 4s,Qc,Ac,Jh,Qs vs Kc,8h,Js,9s,3h -> Pair, Q's, around 0.0000029 SBD

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JST 0.030
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USDT 1.00
SBD 3.55