Hearts of Iron IV Germany After Action Report : The German Reich Prepares for War 1936-1937

in #games6 years ago (edited)

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The stage is set, the music begins to play. The year is 1936 and trouble has been brewing up in Europe, the peace agreement in Versailles has run its course. For 18 years the German people have been humiliated and Hitler won't abide by it any longer.

Since Hitler came into power, the old Entente, now know as the Allies have been preocupied, does he plan to restore the German Empire to its throne of power? will they be able to struck the Germans down once again if they rise up against the world?

While all of this happened a secret treaty was being brewed between Germany and Italy. Italy was secretly looking to ally itself to Germany, They where deeply disappointed in the aftermath of the Treaty of Versailles, the Italian people felt betrayed by the Entente because they didn't get the lands they where promised in the aftermath of the war.

With all this said, the players come into their seats and the 2nd concert for Europe begins!

"If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the Revolution." - Adolf Hitler

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We will start by taking back our rightful use of the Rhineland and station our troops there in spite of what the treaty of Versailles says, the French hold no power over German lands!

With the remilitarization of the German Rhineland, we have assigned General Erwin Rommel to protect the Franco-German border and designated him to plan for a future assault for the recovery of German Elsass-Lothringen!

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To further the influence of the German Reich across Europe, i have brought Heinrich Himmler to work directly under me to protect the German nation from outside influences and rally the people to join the military to crush our foes!

On the 20th of May of 1936, the Spanish civil war broke out between the Nationalist Faction, led by Francisco Franco and the Republican Faction, led by Jose Diaz. Francisco Franco united all the conservative and monarchies parties in Spain to fight against the communist influenced Republican faction. As Germany we are interested in Franco winning this war, so we might help him out a bit!

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." - George S. Patton

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To accelerate the process of bringing the German people into the army, we have made Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel a central piece in our military staff by making him the Chief of the Army!

The left seems to be gaining power quickly in France, this could be bad news for the allies but an amazing opportunity for Stalin to deal another blow to the democracies of the world! Will this mark the beginning of a French civil war? or will Édouard Daladier's government be able to deal with this rise of communism in the nation before it is too late? For us this is a certain sign of French weakness!

Peace of our time! The XI Olympiads have been celebrated in Berlin and they where a massive success! Another victory for the German Reich!

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We prepared a small deployment of 2 infantry divisions and 1 panzer division lead by General Erich von Manstein to support General Francisco Franco in his civil war against Republican Spain! The main objective of our small deployment is to aid Franco in taking over the Catalonia region and bringing Barcelona under his control!

Stalin has always been a man full of paranoia and this recent development just makes it show even more, with the purge of the Soviet's high command their military and political leadership will surely stumble! Certainly a exploitable opportunity to further German influence on the continent!

The year is coming to an end and the support of German troops managed to break the republican line of defense and we have managed to almost completely take over the Catalonian region, Barcelona is the last bastion of the Republicans in the north of Spain and we expect they will fall in the upcoming months! They are completely surround by Spanish and German forces and have no way of escaping, they are doomed to die for their wrong beliefs!

And so the first year of the German effort to take control of Europe has ended. With a civil war in the Iberian peninsula and a looming communist uprising in France, what do you think will be the result? Well you will have to wait for the next time to find out what happens!

"It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while others write history. It matters little who wins." - Benito Mussolini

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Thanks for reading this far down! I hope you enjoyed the read :-D, Help me improve by leaving a comment with suggestions and if you liked it please upvote, reesteem and follow me for more in the future! Here's a list of my other posts if you feel like checking them out!

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Looks like an interesting game, @lunaticpandora! Great screen shots, and descriptions of the different aspects of the game. If I played games I might like to play this one.

I've upvoted and resteemed this article as one of my daily post promotions for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project. It will be featured in the @mitneb Curation Trail Project Daily Report for 20 FEB 2018.


Thanks mitneb :-D

I am a diehard Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings fan.
NEVER played Hearts of Iron... comparing the three titles, what can you tell me of HOI?

I'm also a diehard fan of Bordergore Universalis and Incest Kings :-D

Hearts of Iron is way more focused in the war aspect, you have to manage supply lines, give direct orders to troop, assign the commanders, tell them what to do, you have to decide what to create in your factories to supply the troops and overall is a more war & ideology focused experience! There's barely any trade and diplomacy can be mostly reduced to go to war with or seduce to join your faction lol.

Hmm... well, I guess my experience won't be complete until I play it... got to get it and judge it for myself.
I'll think about "buying it" one of these days

Come to think about it, what mods do you play with apart from what I would imagine is a Swastika mod, seeing as how Paradox very likely would go full Heinrich Heydrich if this was posted on their boards lol

Any chance of implementing your own version of Plan Z?

I'm only using the swastika mod for proper flag accuracy, the other flag just triggers me, i've had my eyes on kaiserreich for awhile!

About Plan Z... well it depends on what happens with the allies in the next year, but i personally prefer to grow the Airforce and do a paratroop attack there, get enough ships to quickly take over the Dover strait and make the troops cross over.

Are they thinking about invading Russia ;)

Maybe... maybe I'll compromise with them for a while too keep gathering strength for the coming storm!

I'm a big Paradox fan and wanted to try this game for so long. After this post the itch to play it is even worse. Must.. resist...

Why must you resist the temptation to do things that bring no harm to you?

Don't resist, just give in :-D

As both a steemit newbie and one who has sunk thousands of hours (Yeah, you read that right) into the third game in the series, this was a decent read, as for any improvements could you make the screenshots so that I can just click on the shrunk version and go see the full version without have to Right Click > Copy Image Location?

Play Stellaris by chance?

On Chrome: Right-click the image, click "View image in new tab".
On Firefox: Right-click the image, click with the middle button of the mouse "view image" and it'll open the image in a new tab, full zoom.

The only way to do what you want is using a link on the image that, when clicked, takes you to the location of the image, but you would close the tab that you're reading unless you click on that link with your middle button.

As it doesn't seem feasible to educate all readers to click with their middle button, I think it's better to just leave it like this and let everyone figure out how to open the image in a new tab to see it. Or maybe show only a cropped version of the text... but that's no fun, is it?

Funny thing is, I used to do it when I still used either I.E. or Chrome but fell out of habit, good to know tho.

:) Now you have a way to keep reading @lunaticpandora's posts without any image-viewing problem.

I've sunk 1k+ hours into Victoria 2, 1k+ hours into CK2, at least 500 into Stellaris and 300~ into EUIV lol.

I need to figure out a way to display bigger screenshots, they are in 1920x1080 but steemit reduces them in size a lot to fit them to the post... If you zoom in a bit with the browser you can easily see what they say but that is not a solution.

Must've been a good game too Luna! Boom!

There's more fun coming in the next few days :-D

Ohhh this is interesting Luna. Will try to get some time for this.

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Looks interesting. Is this something akin to Crusader Kings or Europa Universalis @lunaticpandora?

Yes, its actually made by the same company! Paradox Games.

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