The Games We Played as Kids: Indoor Games Throwback Part II

in #games7 years ago

1. S.O.S

This is the Filipino version of tic-tac-toe; however, instead of x's and o's, S and O are used. We played this a lot when waiting for our teacher. We just need a piece of graphing paper or a page from our geometry notebook and two pens with different inks.

The goal of the game is to make up S.O.S and cross it out to get a point. The players will take turns in writing either S's and O's using the unlike inks for each in order to keep track on the player who last wrote. The one who scores the highest wins the game.

With today's technology, SOS can be now played using applications and the internet. Click here to play.

An example of an online SOS game
Credits to: Tony Travers


PANTS stands for Places, Animals, Names, Things, and Score. This is another game using only a pen and paper. We played this game until now. We used to play this during the days when we can't go out of the house. Now, we play this even without paper and pen. When my brother and I got bored, we just spurt answers until we're tired.

The columns to be filled in the game, P.A.N.T.S.
Credits to: Pinas Social

The players will have to choose a letter from the alphabet and write examples of the categories beginning with the picked letter. After the last category, the players will compare answers. Each category earns 10 points. However, if the players have the same answer, both answers will be discarded. Thus, no score for that category will be obtained.

3. Bahay-bahayan

We actually play this inside and outside the house. When inside, we use bed sheets and blankets to make tent-like houses. We are usually scolded by our parents for putting holes on the blanket. This happens when we hang the sheets on nails. We bring flashlights inside and read a book or just fill it with pillows and stay there. We also play aswang-aswangan sometimes. Aswang is a Filipino mythological creature that eats people's liver.

The video shows a sample of bahay-bahayan game
Credits to: UNTV Web

This game is also for boys but is usually enjoyed by girls. When outside, the boys are the fathers, brothers or uncles while the girls play as the mothers, sisters or aunts. The girls usually stay in the built house and pretend to cook something, wash clothes and do all the house works. They also use their dolls as pretend-babies.

When we were young, we even have a store where anything is disguised as something else. Candy wrappers are the pretend-money.

On the other hand, the boys pretend to work on their jobs. Sometimes, they help with the cooking. I remember the time when we pretended to cook something that we even lit some leaves to boil the water in the can. We put everything there from rocks, to sand, to leaves of any kind. The smell was great when we added malunggay (moringa) but we couldn't eat it.

At different times, we also liked to pretend to be students while one of us disguises as a teacher. Then, we will have quizzes such as spelling bees and will conduct recitations.

4. Dama

This game was known to be played in prison. The game is very much the same with checkers; however this game make use of a drawn board shaped like a diamond. Each player have 12 pieces. The pieces are either dark and light rocks or tansan (bottle caps) that are laid supine and upside-down. Real food such as candies or chocolates could be used also as pieces given that they're all alike.

Watch the video to see how to play the game
Credits to: UNTV Web

The goal is to capture all of the opponent's pieces. Kain (eat) is the term used when a piece or two are caught. The pieces are only allowed to move diagonally. Just like checkers, the pieces of the player who reach the opponent's side, the last row of the board across him will gain power. That piece will become a dama and will be able to jump not just a single step but a lot. It'll be very useful in capturing the opponent's pieces. The player who loses all his pieces is the loser.

5. Pitik-Bulag

This game is translated to "Flick the Blind". But it's not really a game that flicks the blind. Two (2) players are needed for the game. The other player will cover his eyes (He's 'it'.) while the other one flicks his finger at the first. The player who's covering his eyes will remove his hands after he was flicked and try to match the other player's hand gesture. It will be either rock, paper or scissor, or the number of fingers. If the 'it' guessed right, the opponent will be punished. Otherwise, the 'it' will be penalized.

Watch the video to see how to play the game
Credits to: Yey Channel

Message to the Reader
If you haven't checked out yet the first part of 'The Games We Played as Kids: Indoor Games Throwback', click here.

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