League of Legends: Holy Support SONA & Special Burst Build [RP]

in #games7 years ago (edited)


Hey Gamers, I know you like to play games and most of you addicted them, If I calculate the total hours of you played on Steam it might be more than 1 year I know... So I want to write another article about a champion on League of Legends. Each LoL player will know this champion because If we categorize the champions, this one might be in the category that named, oldest champions. Yeah, that's right, It's SONA !

Who is Sona ?

Sona has no memories of her real parents. As a baby, Ionia was found abandoned in front of the door of the adoption house, at the top of an old instrument, in an elegant example of unknown origins. He was an exceptionally well-behaved, always quiet and content child. Carriers were quick to find a home, but in a short period of time, what they misunderstood for unusual joy could not actually speak or make no noise. Sona, as hopeless silence as the youth at the adoption house, followed the future adopters until it passed. During this time the watchdog sold their unusual instruments to the worried collectors and stated that they hoped to give him confidence. However, it is either returned due to numerous strange and unexpected reasons, or reappears outside the home.

When a wealthy Demacian woman named Lestara Buvelle learned from this instrument she immediately went to Ionia. When the waiters exhibited the instrument for him, he ascended without words, and stood in front of Sona's room and explored the house. Not even thinking once, Lestara directly accepted him and made a nice donation to the instrument. Under the guidance of Sona Lestara, he discovered that Lestara was deeply connected to the instrument "Etwahl".


In his hands, the sounds of the people around him still shake or tremble. After months, he was mysterious about the masses for sale. It seemed as if the heartbeats were cut off, manipulating the listeners' feelings effortlessly; all without a single written note. He secretly discovered a powerful and deadly use around by using his vibrations to cut away objects. He said that he was able to stand by this discipline in particular if he had mastered his gift, and that an appropriate recital talent would require adaptation.

Let's have a look her in the Summoner's Rift

Sona is a weak champion, I mean she is "squishy" so It's easy to kill her on the early game if enemy lands a skill shot on her. So if you play as Sona, you need to be more careful than usual. Her main role is "Support" actually If I say about her "healer support"It'd not be wrong. Sona has only 1 skill shot spell the others are target spells so everyone can play with this champion. Let me mention about her skills;

Sona uses the same style to use her spells, I mean he has an instrument that named "etwahl" and she plays different melodies to use her spells.

After casting 3 spells, Sona's next attack deals bonus magic damage in addition to a bonus effect depending what song Sona last activated.

If I need to summarize this, this spell is not being active as clicking, it's passive spell of Sona. After using 3 spells your next basic hit changes and gets extra features, you will see these extra features below.

(Q): This spell is the what I max in game. Because it's the one spell that to attack enemy. When you click Q Sona throws some melodies to enemy and this melodies deal damage to them. You don't need to click anything, after you use this spell it automatically goes into enemy if the enemy in 825 range according to you. In addition that, this spell not only make you stronger but also gives extra magic damage to your AD carry after you use that, the first basic hit of your AD carry gets stronger as well.

If your last song was Q: Your next basic attack gets stronger and deals more magic damage to enemy. This is really good option to harras and annoy the enemy on lane phase. I mostly use this one with my weird burst Sona build. I'll mention about this build after the descriptions of the skills.

(W): This spell is the spell that I'm maxing as secondly in game, it provides you and your ad carry sustain on lane phase, after you use this, Sona throws 2 green melodies to your teammates and as primary it goes to lower hp teammate. In addition that for 1.5 seconds after using this, you and your teammate gains a shield.

If your last song was W: Your next basic attack, becomes green and it decrease the dmg of the target that you used on. You might use this effect for long fights, like if you started to fight as 2v2 on bot lane, you can use this melody on the enemy AD carry to decrease his damage.

(E): I only give once this spell on the early game, as I said my primary and secondary spells are Q and W This one provides you and your teammates extra movement speed.

If your last song was E: Your next basic attack slows the target.

(R): Crescendo is the ulti of Sona, this spell has huge CC potential in addition that it's AoE so in team fights, Sona becomes 2x useful than other supports. You can even use this spell on 5 enemies it depends on your position and talents. This is not the target spell you use this to an area and the enemies who are there, get stunned. As passive Crescendo provides to Sona, Cooldown Reduction for her other spells. (Q,W,E)

My Amazing Build

Okay guys, probably most of you gonna say me I'm troll but to provide this build, I'll put a video below this paragraph. Firstly let me show you the item build;

Hextech, Sheen, Magic penetration boots, and then you make Sheen to Lich Bane. After you complete these, you need to have more Ability Power so my choice is Luden's. As you know Luden's is also giving extra magic damage when it charges itself to 100. So after using an ability, with the Luden's effect you deal like more +200 extra magic damage. This is really makes your job easier so you can one shot everyone or at least burst them %70. Before I put the video below let me show you the Damage Table;


You realize you have to do every champ now right? I hope you do.

Also if you are posting builds, make sure to note with every build what patch it is on.

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