Top legendary enemies of the God of War

in #games6 years ago

After a wait of eight long years The God of War, is finally back, we can not wait to try this new title, which undoubtedly brings us one of the most important questions we must do in the saga of the God of War, will the enemies be as epic as the previous ones? a fairly fair question considering that this is one of the most important features of this game, so in honor of this saga and in preparation for the new title remember the ten best enemies of The God of War and a plus to show the possible enemies that could face Kratos in his eighth installment.


Top 10

The Hydra:
In the tenth position we have the Hydra, it is the best way to start the whole saga that fighting against the Hydra, this first Enemy would set us the perfect parameter to know that The God of War would face huge enemies and colossal fights, but about all that we do not have to worry about the size of Kratos, although the Hydra has many more heads and was much bigger than him, he never had any problem to overcome it and so he beat it.


Top 9

The Kraken:
We have The Kraken appear just after Kratos fights against his partner, the Last Spartan, and kill him. Attacking Kratos by striking him with his giant tentacles and spitting slime from his mouth, Kratos eventually kills the monster that falls off the platform and is impaled through the mouth by an extendable bridge. Doing this also makes a way for Kratos to reach the Phoenix, I think it's great.


Top 8

The sisters of destiny
Although there are three sisters divided into two battles I think the correct thing is to put them in the same position the first of the battles I liked a lot for a simple reason, I love the scene where the time comes back and you basically decide your destiny, fighting for the welfare of the sword that you use in the first game to defeat Hades, it was simply great and the second part I love because we must destroy this powerful creature that is divided into floors, basically and from which the heart would not be touched for kill it, I like it even more for what it comes to unleash in history, all in all I think they are enemies who are very much enjoyed killing, this is satisfactory.


Top 7

In the seventh place we have Hercules, the half brother of Kratos, has his appearance for the first time and last in the saga of God of War II, this character seems to me that it shows very well, what is his role in the hatred he has the olympium about Kratos, makes it very clear why he is fighting and whether it is worth it or not, but the fundamental error here is that he basically fights Kratos, so things do not go very well, usually the mechanics of this fight I like it because I think it shows very well what Hercules is capable of, it highlights very well its most symbolic feature in Greek mythology, its strength, it became a considerable threat, but without a doubt, what I like the most about This confrontation, are the final blows, the brutality made pixels as with their own Cestus Kratos shatters his face, no doubt a quite enjoyable scene.


Top 6

There is no doubt that it is a frenzy of emotions to get to this fight, after it has defeated you, after you open the Pandora's box, that you fight with it with your swords, that I send you into a vision and take away the swords, where you recover and finally give the final blow with a wonderful phrase, "I tried to become a great warrior, and you got it" Wuao really worth crossing the whole game to beat this god, that's not counting, of course the important thing is to defeat it, that is to say the game itself the saga itself is called The God of War, this is really our first great nemesis, without a doubt a battle worthy of remembrance and that can not stop being a classic.


Top 5

The Colossus of Rhodes:
At the beginning, Zeus removes a bit of divine power and entertains him inside the Colossus of Rhodes, doing it by its size, obviously a very attractive enemy to kill, I love it, but I like it a lot more the way he kills it, I loved the mechanics of have to enter it and basically destroy it from within, is an enemy that welcomes you to the game in a wonderful way and certainly worth much remember.


Top 4

In the fourth position we have hades, there is no doubt that hades is one of the best enemies that has been seen in this saga, everything in this enemy is amazing the scenery is great, full of bodies, the attacks are smart, it really feels as if it was something too difficult, although it was not, but you feel that you are not fighting against any being, in general the mechanics used to kill him is very good, the mere fact of having to tear pieces of his flesh to be able to weaken at the end take away his own weapon and smash it against the ceiling and finally, remove his soul makes this one of the most pleasant moments we feel when killing an enemy, no doubt it will stay in memory for a long time long time.


Top 3

In the third place we have Zeus, Zeus we got to fight twice in the end God of war II and finally God of war III, of course Zeus had to take the word revenge to the grave, the beginning and end of everything a revenge towards the same Olympus begins with zeus, the end of God of war is very, very rewarding to return to the moment when I kill you to break your mother and without a doubt the battles that take place in God of War are magnificent, the deadly Mortal Kombat style mortal Battle, the one that is in the arena and even when you have to kill them being a ghost, of course, that the king of the gods has to be an enemy worth the wait, and I think it was worth it, it was so rewarding that in the end you can give him the beating of his life for as long as you want, so, if it seems an excellent battle.


Top 2

The beginning of God of war III seemed to me one of the best beginnings of any videogame, poseidón is a magnificent enemy, the game of perspectives and scales that this battle has is wonderful, starting with gaya, you are on top of gaya and you see how some water steeds and rocks that are going through not knowing what is happening, until it is revealed who is behind this, even if it was very obvious, poseidón in a water and rock armor that takes the form of steeds as tentacles, my God, which is more epic than this, it is a simply magnificent battle and it ends in a spectacular way, everything seems too good until the end of the battle comes a first person action of poseidón seeing as Kratos of tip the beating of his life and the end my eyes itch and broke his neck, no doubt one of the best enemies there has been even in the entire universe of video games.


Top 1

In the first place, what leaves the mark of the God of war in the enemies, the scale, this is the scale, we have Cronos, chronos the titan that we saw in the first game that carried the Pandora's temple on his back, receives very friendly in Tartar and immediately you realize that something is not very good, it is amazing to think about the size of this enemy compared to Kratos and it is incredible all the mechanics that leads to kill such an enemy to the father of Zeus and how could it be better than cutting him from the inside and sticking a crystal in his throat, there is no doubt that that enemy has been the most impressive by far of fighting God of war and of course by size the most satisfying



This has been my very personal top about the best enemies of God of war recently we could see and corroborate that the emblematic brand the God of war is going to keep in the new title, we will see huge and colossal creatures, here I present the possible enemies that will face kratos is the eighth installment.



During the God of War trailer of the E3 2017 you can see several wolves for a few seconds. It is very likely that one of them is Fenrir, the gigantic son of Loki who, according to a prophecy, will end the life of Odin during the Ragnarok.


After making a small cameo in the presentation trailer, this gigantic snake appeared in all its splendor at the end of the trailer shown during the last E3 2017. In any other game of the original tetralogy we would have thought that it is an enemy that Kratos will disembowel top down (little joke given its length), but the words of Atreus presage that the Serpent of Midgard will act as an ally of the God of War in the new God of War. In Nordic mythology, Jörmungandr is the daughter of Loki and surrounds the world of men biting their tail like an uroboros, awaiting the arrival of Ragnarok to confront Thor, the most powerful of the Æsir and god of thunder.


A good one awaits Kratos if he intends to face the Gods of Nordic mythology: Thor, Loki, Sif, Hela, Ymir ... Although we can not know for sure if they will act as enemies or allies, it is very likely that we will get their powers as it happened in previous deliveries. Will we see Kratos brandishing the Mjolnir? The truth is that the hammer of the God of thunder has already appeared in a God of War, Ascension specifically, as a special weapon for multiplayer.


The Ragnarok is the apocalypse, the end of the times of the Norse mythology, a battle of epic proportions waged by the great Gods while terrible natural disasters are unleashed. The world would come to an end and it would submerge itself in water, to then be reborn and start a new era. It is, without a doubt, a crucial moment that would marry perfectly with the theme of God of War 4. Could this installment be the first of a new trilogy that culminates with the great battle? At the moment we have to wait, but our mouth is already watering with what could be to come.


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