Magic: The Gathering Color Guide, part 1 - Red
Magic: The Gathering is a very complicated game, and one of the hardest initial decisions is choosing which color or colors of cards to use in creating a deck. in this post, I will cover the basics of a single color: Red.
Play red if you think of fire as your element. Sorceries and instants tend toward direct damage to players and/or creatures through fire and lightning. Creatures tend to be combat-oriented, and enchantments tend to directly boost combat power. The archetypal red creatures are goblins and dragons, and as with all colors, humans are abundant. Other common red creatures include the Viashino lizard-folk, devils, and elementals.
Red decks aren't suited to long-term strategies so much as aggressive, immediate actions for fast results. Subtlety isn't ever a hallmark of red decks. Almost reckless aggression and a desire for immediate gratification are hallmarks of a good red build. Like with black, a red player's strategy might include doing things that injure himself as well as doing harm to his opponent to gain an upper hand. A defensive deck, or a deck capable of countering the more potent red spells, can gain an upper hand in the long term by letting the red flame burn itself out over time.
When combined with other colors, red can offer a synergy or a counterpoint to improve other colors. Like red, black can play an aggressive, almost self-destructive strategy to gain victory at any cost. Red also pairs well with green to combine explosive damage with large creatures and a growth strategy. When paired with blue control, red can more effectively respond to another deck while preparing its assault. With the ordered nature of white, the chaos of red adds more power at critical moments.
If you have no desire for subtlety and want to start your games by placing your opponent on the defense, red is your best option by far.
If you wish to trade cards with other players, I recommend using Pucatrade!
My Fiance and his brothers love this game.
Do you play yourself? How familiar with the game are you? I plan to at least write another 4 posts about the other 4 colors. If nothing else, I hope it helps newcomers and observers understand the game better. I also wrote a few longer posts about other aspects of the game:
I have never played before but I have a general idea of how the game works. Thanks I will definitely take a look. I think it would be a nice surprise for him if suddenly I can play with him.