Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4 game): My first impressions
I decided to take up this game because I like open world RPG's and a friend said it was one of his favorite games of all time. he is one of the only people I personally know that spends more time on a Playstation than I do, so I trust his judgement. I bought a physical copy of the game hoping it would come with some additional materials. Sadly, it did not.

The concept behind the game sounded very hokey at first: The current inhabitants of whatever world this is have rejected technology for the most part and have returned to their basic ways. The landscape, however, is filled with machines that kind of serve as cattle. They will defend themselves and attack if you approach them. They are made with metal so arrows have very little in the way of impact on them, unless you hit them in certain "sweet spots"

The notion that people would reject obviously far-more-advanced technology as well as be capable of defending against it is pretty absurd, but that doesn't mean the game isn't fun because of this. It is "kinda" fun so far, but I'm only a little way into the game and I hate to report that I am already getting a bit bored.
The story is interesting enough but honestly, I have already stopped doing any of the side missions and feel as though I am just rushing through the main story. I am already skipping most of the dialogue as well.

The game has wonderful graphics, good voice acting, and a decent story but unless it changes soonish to be a bit more diverse in the gameplay, I see myself getting fed up with it pretty soon. At the moment I am running around and occasionally killing a robot here and there.
There is a certain amount of finesse that goes into your kills and I suppose that is rewarding. Plus you are constantly chasing upgrades for your equipment based on things you find in your environment while traveling around.
I've only got a few hours of gameplay in so far, so I am not going to rush to judgement but at the moment I can call this game lovely, but for the most part I am not in love with the quite repetitive combat system although it is very nicely designed.
I would also say that there are some sequences that incorporate very long runs between various people you have to speak to and with no enemies or things to encounter in-between, it drives me crazy when unnecessary long walks are incorporated into gameplay.
I'm not gonna get too fussy at this point, and i will continue. However, when a game, that is supposed to bring me joy in playing it, seems like a chore to play, I can't really get behind it 100%. We'll see. I feel this way about most new games that I play until the interface is something that i "perma-map" into my mind.
Wish I have time to play games :/
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I think it is interesting with excellent graphics..
I'd never heard of this game before, but the concept definitely sounds interesting. Hopefully it does get better for you sooner rather than later!