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RE: Was the NES Classic Mini Simply Marketing for the Nintendo Switch?

in #games7 years ago

this is an interesting idea you have, but I would guess is that Nintendo Japan simply underestimated the amount of NES Classic Minis people will actually want.

But kudos, nice article.


Thank you. I do a lot of work in public relations and this has been bouncing around my head for awhile now. Figured, why not see if others agree, or if I am simply crazy and linking too many loose dots here. lol

well I'm certainly not saying it's completely out of the question, but from what I know about Nintendo Japan, they are usually just really distanced from the people and their wants

Sad but very true. I have heard years back that Nintendo of Japan did not want to bother releasing The Legend of Zelda in the states due to our interest in arcade style games over "thinking" games.

That would have been a major mistake on their part, at least using 20/20 hindsight.

the major thing I saw for a long time was theiir disinterest in the internet gaming.

Yeah, that is weird considering their Satella-View service in Japan - though I figure that was mostly for the online banking and gambling services they offered adults that owned the Famicom (it helped that in Japan there was a disk drive and keyboard available).

You would think Nintendo would have been an early purveyor of online gaming. Course, they probably were gun shy based on the lack of interest from North American gamers with peripherals that were not included in the original console purchase (Super Scope coming to mind).

well to be honest I don't know that much about those time and about the NA gaming culture of those times specially. Too young for that and come from a very differnt part of the world.

I only know of it thanks to interviews with various people that worked at Nintendo over the years, primarily during the 80's.

I love reading about how things were at these seemingly gargantuan companies and how they almost missed awesome opportunities.

hey, it's still the same guy, just from my personal account.

Since you say you love reading about this kind of stuff, perhaps you will like an article I recently wrote:

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