
How the heck is this in any way "real science"? It can't be tested. It isn't falsifiable or verifiable. It is blatantly fictional.

When people start teleporting, then you will have your evidence.

It is that "Einstein science" that isn't testable.
We have to rely on the word of a large govern-cement test as proof.
But, since the govern-cement did them, and wrote the science books, everyone believes it.
Even when there are tons of little disproofs.

but, if you want to look for evidence, then you have to look into things that "Crack pots" are doing with quantum entanglement and such.

Special relativity has been widely tested, and the predictions of the theory have been verified on numeous occasions.

Yes, governments lie, but that does not mean everything anyone with government funding says 100% false.

If there are "disproofs," cite them. That is how science works. And how does modern quantun entanglement relate to ancient standing stones and ley line theory?

I have found this discussion thread fascinating... and so I am going to post this reply twice, once to @builderofcastles and once to @jacobtothe so that both of you notice this...

"Entangled particles transmit information between the two instantaneously. (again, faster than light)"

So, @builderofcastles, I have for years been seeking any repeatable designs for actually working tech that implements this. I've read about this from many sources, and would love to build a transceiver so I could keep in touch with my friends globally even in the event of an internet disruption...

I am no fan of govern-cement myself, and tend to believe Tesla rather then Einstein, but I would like to have the tech in hand in order to move the last 5% of my belief system into the Tesla corner...

Looking forward to any leads you may be able to supply. :D


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