25 Stunning Next Generation Games That Will Blow Your Mind Away !!!!!

in #games7 years ago

It seems that we can not go to any journalist, developer excuse or ambitious blogger one day without commenting on the next generation of hardware. As the expectations and speculations are coming and the coming sports trailer became more and more graphically intense, everyone is already starting to wonder what we can see in the next generation of the console do not get noticed.

Then we have Wii U that, while the console does not have the most aspect of Diana, of course its going to be about the future of gaming its own unique way. With the focus of all these hardware and polygon numbers, it's easy to forget about gaming ... well, games. We have compiled a refresher course on 25 committed titles that you can play well in future hardware.

What is your most expected next-generation game? Is there anything to share? Do not hesitate to tell us in the comments section below.

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This was the first E3 of the year when it was the first to be inaugurated when the jaw was removed from the floor. Star Wars is showing a githitry of the universe, there are some spectacular scenes in 1313. This is not entirely clear, but the game is actually running in the next common hardware, but the graphics are hard to believe that this detail can be found with PS3 or Xbox 360.

(2) Zelda Wii U

The Zelda series had always had quite impressive vistas on the display, but the graphics have been somewhat limited as late by the Wii's sub-HD resolution. Although the Wii U write the title of Zelda, although for the moment the mystery is faded, apparently the series will feature large dungeons that are larger than some of the older games underworld.

(3) ZombiU

Contrary to the picture of the slander, the smoky family is becoming more stain by the headline, Ubisoft has propelled an initial Wii U which is provided for adult listeners. Featuring classic magic survival action with unique tablets control, ZombiU might be out of a stand for Wii U's launch, perhaps.

(4) Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

If you have not seen this one yet much, then I grab the earliest pair of surveillance and see the recent trailer now. This excellent start-up of MGS5 is an excellent environment for some gorgeous graphical effects and boots. Although this is confirmed for the current Zen, there are reports that Kojima Productions is also working in a later-generation version.

(5) Watch Dogs!

Another great surprise of the E3, Watch Dogs show off some cool hacking puzzles and the visuals that look a little too polished to be the current Jane. This time only will tell the current title or after the launch in the future

(6) Dragon Quest X

Although it will be launched on Wii, the Wii U version of DQ 10 will be a definitive experience. With the help of tablet controllers with fast listing management and team communications, the DQ 10 10 may be the first widely-approved console MMORPG. And no, Final Fantasy 11 is "Popular."

(7) Super Smash Bros. Wii U

Next Smash Bros. on Namco Wii U Co-development of the installment is accepted. I am convinced of the drowning on the news of bi-development, but Capcom's skill in fighting war means that some exciting inventions in the series that they might be able to offer better

(8) Pikmin 3

We saw Pikmin 2 on the Gamecube, but it has been a long time that it will expect that Pikmin 3 will have lots of new ideas to even quirkier than its predecessors. Maybe it's the default, but it certainly condemned the presentation of this E3 was one of the best games.

(9) Whore of the Orient

There is still a lot to be said about the recently announced Bhoom of the Orient, but it has the potential to provide highly inspired technology by people made by L.A. The move of the 20th century team maiden must certainly be an interesting step, one that we can hopefully only play their energy.

(10) Destiny

A logo is not something, but rumors reveal Biny's upcoming Destiny for future hardware. What is a launch title for Xbox 720, up to the hello main plain? So hope so

(11) Killzone 4

A possible leak concept did not have much to go on the image, but that did not stop the rumor mate from going into overdrive on Killzone 4. It's probably likely Sony will continue for the dawn of FlashShope FPS PS4.

(12) Gran Turismo 6

Considering the sales GT5 recommendations only, it is clear that Gran Turismo is always as high as demand. When the PS4 is inevitable for the GT6 only hope to achieve as much success as it is no doubt will the PS4 graphically be able to show exactly what it will be.

(13) Little Big Planet 3

Although not one of the other PlayStation Exchanges, the Little Big Planet is no doubt that this generation is Sony's crown zaheer, and it is a series that will probably be the time of the PS4 library period.

(14) Uncharted 4

Another Sony franchise that can be run by naughty dogs has indicated in their development team that we are involved in another project, and will not run in PS3. If this project is unchanged 4, then look at it incredibly.

(15) Luminous Studio/Agni's Philosophy

OK, so at this time it's a technical demo compared to anything else. But the fiery panorama showed absolutely amazing scenes. Even if it is not a full product, even some next consoles made with SquareEnix's new Illuminating Studio Engine will be next generation visual producer.

(16) Unreal Engine 4

When we take the engine's subject ... Unreal 3 Perhaps it is one of the most accepted engines, and the Unreal Engine 4 will probably continue this trend. Without good graphics. Very good graphics

(17) Thief 4

Okay, thief 4 is still developing, and it looks like going towards the next general hardware rather than the new Genuine Xbox 360 and PS3. There is not much more to be known at this time, but it will be out of character for thief game which will be less than the highest quality.

(18) Next Gen Harmonix Title

Those chaps responsible for the Rock Band series are supposedly working on an action headline for the next General Hardware. Nothing else is known about it, but to counteract the other one genre, the action of giant monsters is quite interesting.

(19) Mafia 3

Although Mafia 2 was not particularly well received, the original was a bit of PC classic. The question is that the mafia 3 is still worth being passionate about, especially since it seems to set for future consoles, this is a proposal we can not refuse

(20) Nintendo Land

Nintendo has become a symbol of everything that was wrong with the E3 representation of the land condemned, there are some good things that can be retrieved from it. It would probably be that, before it's Wii Sport, the other title of the Nintendo Land will play the game that gives the best and maximum creative use of the new Wii U control ahead. That alone is quite interesting

(21) A 3D Mario on Wii U

Yes, we've got the Wii U's upcoming 2D Mario, but we all know that 3D Mario is where it is on the Nortonoto home consoles, this one will soon be announced and, if it's near two galaxy games as well as near as well, we have a real treat for Will be there.

(22) Final Fantasy 15

The only thing in life is death and taxes; And Final Fantasy, if you play games. This series only keeps running, often when no one cares. The last three games in the series were really poor, but there was scope for refreshing the series during next generation of console consoles.

(23) New Call of Duty

Yes, you just know that the COD train can not get out of steam anytime. I do not firmly believe that how much change will move away from the better features in next-generation consoles, but hey, it will sell millions.

(24) Battlefield 4

On the other side of the military shooter currency, Battlefield 4 has already been announced, but still it is not certain what generations will launch for it. Only time will tell whether it will generate next or not.

(25) Darksiders 3

With the DarkSide 2 still fresh in our mind, it seems proponent to include the third entyr. After all, it is meant to be a diagonal like many IPs. Even if it does not arrive anytime soon, you can never play the DarkSide 2 at Wii U when it comes.

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