Our Company's Team Building 2018 (part 2: The Games)

in #games6 years ago

Team Building won't be complete without games! HR Team always surprises us when it comes to games. They would always say that they aren't prepared but the truth is they were like soldiers who never get into wars without weapons.

At exactly 4:30 in the afternoon, we all gathered and grouped together. We only have 3 teams, Yellow with 9 members, Gray with 10 members, and Mint Green with 9 members also. Only 8 members per team participated on the game.


I belonged to Mint Green Team but I didn't play. I just cheered for them!


Our HR team is composed of two persons only. But regardless of being outnumbered, they did do a very great job! These two are very secretive. Even if you ask millions of times, they won't spill any word about what kind of games they have prepared for that event.


We just watched them setting up the materials that we are going to use for the whole activity.


After they finished setting up, the game master explained the flow and the mechanics of the game. It has 7 stages:

First, each team will choose one representative from their group to hold their flags. They will stand on the sea, water level should be almost on the chest. From there, they would race to get to the second stage and pass the flag to the next player of the team.

On the second stage, the player should eat 6 hotdogs and will have to finish that before they pass the flag to the third players.

Third Stage has two players. Each of them needs to transmit 2 toothbrush to another cup on the other table alternately. They will transfer the toothbrush using a cap.


Once third stage players finished their mission they will pass the flag to the fourth stage player. In this stage, there were 5 cups. You need to shoot the coin inside the cup by using another coin to flip it. Once done, pass the flag to the fifth stage players.

Fifth stage also has two players. They have to stack the five cups using a balloon. They need to do this alternately also. The rule is, blow the balloon inside the cup and stack the cup together. Don't forget to pass the flag to the next player.

Sixth stage is a mind game. The player should solve the puzzle before they proceed to the last and final stage of the game.


Final stage will be done by all the 8 players. They will form a circle and from the sixth stage player down to the last, they need to pass through the hoop without breaking the circle.

Curious???? Then Let the Game Begin!!!!


Representative of each group are getting ready to get wet and dip their bodies on the sea!!!


Second Stage: Whose group will finished eating hotdogs the fastest?


Third Stage: Don't let the brush fall down guys!!! You can do it!!!


Gray team are on the top! Don't worry we can still catch up with them! Shoot those coins!!!


Fifth Stage: Gray is still on the lead but no pressure, there's two more stages to go!!!


Gray team finished first and is currently doing the final stage while two teams are still stucked and having trouble with the puzzle!


Since Gray Finishes first, the two groups are battling for the second place.
Yellow Team got disqualified because they didn't follow the rules in the last stage. And this made Mint Green won second place.

Although the rain fell down in the middle of the game, we still continue and finished it till the end. It was a very fun activity and everyone enjoyed it! Kuddos to our HR team! Good job @ejeeywander!!!

Here is the full video of our Team Building Activity. Please excuse my first timer video recording 😂😂😂 Enjoy watching!!!


Photos and Video are all mine taken using my Huawei G7-L02 android phone.



Wahahah ngayon ko lang nakita to

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