[poincgames] supersteemboy on platfinity level 1 : rise from the quantum foam

in #gamedev6 years ago (edited)


As i sit around waiting for my votemeter to get back to 100% while trying to set up 24/7 autovoter on my minimal server here (no competition mahdiyari ... no worries, its a completely different system anyway, it votes on a pre-selected set of posts or comments read from a flatfile and does those line by line), the point being for @ubasti i lose 100% votes while sleeping or i have to cast them at 98 or 96% power (doesnt matter if you got a $100 vote i suppose). I get this running i can just add links to the file and it will vote every 2.5 hours on the first line, remove that and then wait for 2.5 hours, but for some reason it voted after four minutes the first two times, then went normal .. still dont see why but well...

that's all CATHUB talk isnt it ... i suppose if it runs i could eventually turn it to a bidbot, if i get a $5 vote or more, in over a million accounts and growing can never have enough bidbots right, a bit more of the trolling and people will start to call them counterbots i think

i got to being bored while melting, the air has almost been liquid for a few days now, its body temperature ... this is definitely NOT my kind of weather so i got to making some tiles for supersteemboy (it was superveganboy but well ... obsessed lol) in platfinity.

As i am not much of a graphic artist i have to hack my way around it... generated tiles (or blender, which is snazzy but very time-consuming for a passtime like this, and ofcourse, poinc is clearly not microsoft-free lol)

svg works fine, i can just "type" the graphic

already had the platform and the background there from last time , and a POS-levelmusic too

so we start with

<svg width="256px" height="256px">

    <linearGradient id="grad1" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%">
      <stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:rgb(25,25,25);stop-opacity:1" />
      <stop offset="20%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,0,25);stop-opacity:1" />
      <stop offset="50%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,0,12);stop-opacity:1" />
      <stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,0,0);stop-opacity:1" />

 <rect x="0" y="0" width="256" height="256" rx="10" ry="10"
            stroke: #000000;
            stroke-width: 5;"</svg>

and alter the gradient 9 times to get 10 tiles up to

<svg width="256px" height="256px">

    <linearGradient id="grad1" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%">
      <stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,255,255);stop-opacity:1" />
      <stop offset="20%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,0,255);stop-opacity:1" />
      <stop offset="25%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,0,225);stop-opacity:1" />
      <stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,0,225);stop-opacity:1" />

 <rect x="0" y="0" width="256" height="256" rx="10" ry="10"
            stroke: #000000;
            stroke-width: 5;" />


push it to imagemagick batch script also from last time

and i'm left with about 102 tiles in under 30 minutes, not bad in this heat, pixel art is not for lazy people like me who can't draw

i was trying to fix up a steemit logo yesterday (you can download those as svg but wheres the fun in that?

<svg width="256" height="256">

<path d="
M128 0 
L100 64 
L124 196 
L110 256 
L150 196 
L124 64
Z  "
style="fill:blue;stroke: #005000;stroke-width: 2;"/>

<path d="
M64 20 
L36 84 
L60 176 
L46 236 
L86 176 
L60 84
Z  "  />

<path d="
M196 2 
L164 84 
L190 176 
L174 236 
L216 176 
L190 84
Z  " />


import it all into platfinity (platfinity is just a fun tool solely level editiing and design, zero scripting, not really AAA+ game stuff but at €1.5 its really worth the money, here's hoping i can keep my mind up long enough to get back to gamegure, rpg maker and eventuall appgamekit)




i feel like the curve is a bit steep and level two will have to be pushed further up the line here hah, if it ever gets finished ill probably put it up in a torrent or something i doubt steam will greenlight that (although ive seen worse)

so all graphics except the *PRO*tagonist by me .. and the thing with the arrow, music by me and superscripting not available (the lvl 1 music is one from my collection when i had zounds of inspiration, should be nearly 15 years old or somethin, no wait ... older than that :))

and that's it for lazy-gamedev for today


me : https://steemit.com/introduction/@rudyardcatling/rudyardcatling-signature-post-20180719

*I always considered programming as being like modern-day wizardry. You could think of things in your mind and then make them happen.*

Jeff Minter


You just planted 0.01 tree(s)!

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Dude, what's wrong with the graphics? a lot of people like retro style games, espically as hard as that looked. Just think flappy birds, make it where when they die they go back to level 1......

platfinity doesn't give much leeway because it is zero scripting, its only design, you can add as many tiles as you like, there's background tiles (non interacting) , standard tiles (where you walk on), foreground (not interacting, rendered as the last layer before putting to screen) , hazard tiles (where you die on collision), moving hazards , platforms (set behaviour like left right up down, fall away, blink etcetera) and special tiles like checkpoints and start points and ladders , popup text and the lot, you can add all of those in graphics and put them anywhere, the levelspace is quite large, maybe ten times supermeatboy-size if you want and you can add music, but no scripting :)

i wasnt complaining about the graphics, merely stating that i'm not much of an artist so i have to work my way around that, generating them with formulas and code, or rendering them in blender (which is time consuming but i wanna try making the main char in blender there) its just a passtime really ... and today times seem to slip through every nook & cranny when it can, already 5 am again ... and polonies is de-listing assets DUH!

i think a total worth of about ten dollarcents lol, some crud i bought with one ETC once, you know, "just in case" and now the margins are so high i cant trade them back for BTC and they dont do direct exchange for others ... O WOE IS ME !

guess if it went the other way around i could have had $100 instead of lost $0.10 hahah

the gamedev thing is actually what i wanna be my thing mostly but i have too many intrests to stick to just one topic

but today is chaos, from the moment i woke up i felt it

a disturbance in the force :)))

I know the feeling, I'm trying to get caught up from yesterday and today. It's been rather crazy around here.
It looks like a cool program, I used one similar a long time ago, but it had some scripting. I'm thinking it was for quake or duke nukem mods. Now you just need to turn it into a google play app and become a millionaire.

gamegura, rpgmaker vx ace and appgamekit are a lot better but at the moment its pretty much all i can muster together with trying to stay active on steemit, more chaos = less time-management and im not much of a manager (not like that) ... i'm better at bubble-universe but that requires people with dedication ofcourse
im definitely NOT a teamplayer ... someone just says that word with that fake plastic smile or mentions "afterwork activity" i'm running lol

not that i have in a while, if the system leaves me alone i try to leave it alone, i'm too twisted by their shit to be functional in that shit anymore

but sometimes pencilpushing nazis get delusional ofcourse
millionaire huh

from one indie game ... :) its possible

its possible

It's possible, just don't let it ruin your life like the Flappy Birds guy did. I think he went nuts. It was interesting when he took the game down and you could sell an iPhone with it installed for 3 or 4 times what the phone cost.

i have to admit i never heard of this thing, i suppose you dont mean angry birds but some parody ? i dont play games on cellphones lol , any phone that can run anything decent is way above my paygrade anyway and if i get to it these days its always pc, i sold all my xboxes i ever had since they have tekken on pc now but i dont really get to it anymore

i dont really get to much of anything anymore, good thing steemit helped me dust of some of the programming, now to fight the theory of futility : one hour on a post is as much as three usually ... its a grind if you dont have money to boot ... i cant focus long enough on anything because im constantly busy with "what if next month" and other stupid shit in this hicktown
if i were to release a game i doubt it would be a platformer anyway ...

im gonna go over the replies here and re-install two pc's , its long overdue, nothing to beat holes like format c:


I don't have any games on my phone, it's a Samsung S4, which is 4 versions out of date...
The flappy birds game deal, just proved people are nuts. The graphics were clearly a knockoff of the Mario bros pipes. It was extremely simplistic yet insanely hard, and when you died, you started all over. People would get so frustrated with it they would break their phones. The weird thing was it never ended, it just went on forever.
Good luck with the formats, I'm working on some sql report scripts again today.

procedurally generated as they say ... neverending worlds heheh, interesting concept for sandbox games

if you want hard (jeezes i just went over the list in steem three times to find it) first thing comes to mind would be supermeatboy but id say "super distro"
five achievements and i think only five levels, one of those scrapware that stays on for 99cents or something i i didnt check the price .. i dont get to much gaming anymore lately, its almost tempting to try and write an a.i. to post my posts for me so i can lazy out like the bot-people hahah (although i think they got plenty on their hands with the customer service due to competition)

Hello @rudyardcatling, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

well, its not often my dabbles are called art lol, thank you very much ... it's level one so i assume there will be a level 2 sooner or later :D

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