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RE: Prepare for the first edition of the SteemitJam (Game creation event) starting on January 5th!

in #gamedev7 years ago

I'd like to propose identifying a winner by tallying only the upvotes by people that have participated in the game jam. Otherwise it might as well be a popularity contest. And the person getting the largest payout, well, they got the largest payout, that's winning enough.


i think it'd be even better to have an ongoing sharing of gamejams rather than having events with deadlines and winners. afterall this is a community that hates a centralized system. simply throw out an idea and see what people do with it. have freedom and room for creativity.
(tho i'm not a creative person myself.. but i do like the idea of facilitating)
and yes winners will be winners in their own right.

I do think deadlines will incentivize participation, but I understand your point. The 'winner' aspect could be removed, as we are already having payout rewards. What do you think about that? If we have game jams (like this) every now and then at specified dates, but no 'winner'. I do think this would maximize participation without having too much authority (especially if we vote date and times). Instead of picking a winner, we could write blogs on our favorite games. What do you think?

i agree. the votes speak for themselves.
if anybody wants to write a post on their favorite game it's completely up to them.

but in the same sense, nobody's stopping anybody from calling a winner either..
so yea. i guess i change my mind a little bit. calling it "winners" or "favorites", i really don't have a problem.

specified dates and blogs would be great, too. at the end of the day i'm just excited to participate.

I agree too.

And having this as contest every while (with its own website or page on popular gamedev platform) would be a huge achievement.

Not always I can take part in 48 hour game jam. Most of time I won't be able to (depending on the theme I might not take part this time also... But we'll see) If this, Like Ludum-dare is a recurring event it'll be more and more great one.

@poet I really think this is a better idea, this is how Ludum Dare works, but this will be hard if there's a lot of participants (which I doubt for this first edition). My other idea is to remove the winning system completely. Instead of picking a winner, we could write blogs on our favorite games. What do you think?

I like the option you went with. If some curator pops up, they can declare their own winner.

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