Maximum Push! Combos Shadow Demon and Luna that Make Enemy Dizzy!

in #game7 years ago


Long invisible, apparently combo Dota 2 Shadow Demon and Luna is still quite relevant when used in public games you know! How to use? Check out the combo reviews of Dota 2 Shadow Demon and Luna below!

Some time ago, Shadow Demon and Luna combo became the favorite couple in almost every competitive Dota 2 game. Seen in The International 2016, this Dota 2 combo is often used and continues to give you victory!

So how about using it? Easy really! Read through ya!

Disruption + Moon Glaive

Previously, let's get to know a few important skills needed in this Dota 2 combo.

First is Disruption owned by Shadow Demon. This skill is able to confine the friend or opponent for 2.5 seconds, then bring up two illusions each of which has damage up to 75 percent of the original hero for 14 seconds.

Luna has Moon Glaive's passive skill, allowing her attacks to bounce up to six times with 35 percent damage damage per reflection. This skill is also still carried by the illusion of Luna you know!

Therefore, the synergy between Disruption, which is able to create two illusions of Luna, and Moon Glaive, which makes its attack bounce, becomes the most popular Dota 2 combo to do the push. Why is that?

Combo Dota 2 that has Low Risk

The reason is easy, this Dota 2 combo has a low risk. Using illusion, meaning your team does not have to instruct Luna to come forward, right?

Simply rely on the illusion to do the push, and if many enemies are up front, the real Luna can go to the forest first to do the farm briefly. That is, Luna herself does not have a big risk to be killed!

In addition, this Dota 2 combo can also be done outside of warfare or before entering the opponent's territory. Shadow Demon can use Disruption in the forest or hidden areas of the opposing vision, and drive the illusions to install the tower.

Although the damage is only 75 percent of the original damage Luna, but because it created two illusions, meaning that the resulting damage is 150 percent! Still profitable is not it?

Can Make Ilusi Illusion

There are unique mechanics of Disruption Shadow Demon skill. The skill was able to create the illusion of an existing illusion! Interestingly, the damage cut is not from illusion, but from the original hero! Interesting, right?

A simple example when Luna already has Manta Style. Shadow Demon is able to target the illusion of Manta Style Luna with Disruption, and produce 2 new illusions with a total of 4 illusions (2 of Manta Style, and 2 from Disruption).

The illusion of the Disruption has 75 percent damage from the original hero, not from the illusion of Manta Style which has only 28 percent damage (ranged) alone. That is, if there are two Manta Style illusions and 2 illusion of Disruption, you have an illusion with a total damage of 200 percent!

Well, if you want to climb the MMR quickly with your friends, it's really good to try the Dota 2 combo between Shadow Demon and Luna! The point is to play safe and keep installing towers and barracks to shreds!


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