in #game7 years ago (edited)
hellow steemian, this is the first my upload about mobile legend, as you know, i am mythic star one right now, my highes was 6 star . i play yss is about 170 times. now i want you to know how i make my mythic star 6 with this hero. i spam it :D lol.

yu shun-shin is marksman hero, i like this hero since i played it in the first time.
the basic skill is

  1. heavenly vow (passive)
    a. this is why i like YSS(YU SHUN-SHIN) this skill is very good to me when get my mythic. it means that u can use range and malee
    how to play : YSS have to care about his position to be a good player, when you think you must need to use range (longbow) so use range its mean the range is very good to use when u fight with 2 or more player.
    b. when u want fighting one by one, this is it. u need to use your male(glaive). the damage will be true damage. its mean the damage ignore the defence and armor enemy. its perfectly attact from your item.
    conclution : so this skill make the yss the better marksman in MOBILE LEGEND i think, because the damage is so hurt, and we can make our position safe, long live the king :D

  2. One-wave Sweep (Active ) Skill 1
    A. the most important hero when he can run for bad situation so YSS is the answer. skill one use when u have bad situation or have chasen from your enemy. its make enemy slow for 2 seconds.
    b. beside that YSS have a good skill its call turtle ship. it very usefull when war, u can back to the base for take it. and your got 40% movement speed that you can chase your enemy. dont forget to throw the turtle to enemy it's take 2 seconds stun. i use this everytime and i 100% get kill. oh i forget, the damage takes about 160 (150% total physcal attack)

  3. Blood Floods
    this is what i like, very like. in the beginning game when the minnion is about in middle u can use this arrow to shot the enemy effectively. i use this arrow from begining game to shot the enemy and 100% got shot. the way to 100% got shot is in my picture. the damge is about 160 ( 100% total physcal attack). its so hurt when late game u can shot from long distance. the arrow can shot though the enemy strikely.

  4. Mountain Shocker
    the damge is about 160 (35% total physcal attack). when my enemy is about low i fucked my enemey with this skill. lol :D. this skill i think is very disturbted when i got my enemy use YSS. because when our HP is about low, YSS can exactly kill us. morever, this skill is usefull when war, the enemy got slow by this skill, and help our team fight.

so u want to know how i play get mythic?
i have some guiding for u.

lets start with item.
the first tips.

  1. make the item junggle A. Beast Killer or B. Raptor Machete.
    this first item is very usefull to your leveling.

A. Beast Killer

  • 20 MAGIC RES

when u get your enemy 2 mage and 3 physcal damage u need to build this item beast Killer. why i said that?? because u need your defence. this item have +20 armor and +20 magic RES. so make you long live !!
B. Raptor Machete.
+35 phycal
+15 physcal PEN
When u want to brutality to kill enemy or u got the enemy just one mage u need to build this. this item have +35 physcal attack +15 physcal PEN. this is so brutal damage i think make our enemey just a paper

  1. Swift Boots
    +15 % Attack SPEED
    +40 Movement Speed
    Swift Boots has +15 % Attack SPEED and +40 Movement Speed u need buy this item make your attack speed improve.

  2. Haas's Claw
    +20% lifesteal
    Passive : when your HP is low about 40% u get more lifesteal 10%.

the next important item is this item. u need lifesteal to by one with enemy. when u have this item u dont need to scare to war, help team or mobilized the map. this item have +20% lifesteal, so when your HP is low about 40% u get more lifesteal 10%. so dont forget to buy it if u want mythic.

  1. Barseker's Fury
  • 40% Crit Damage
    Passive Attack : u gain 5% more extra damage Attack

  • 40% Crit Damage and when u get Crit, u gain 5% more extra damage Attack. i think the most important item u need to buy is this item. why? YSS is very hurt hero. when u have this item, the enemy mybe got 1600 damage one hit if u have 3 item above? what a damage right???? this is very usefull when u want to kill instantly enemey.

  1. Rose Gold Meteor
  • 60 Physcal Attack
  • 30 Magic Resistance
  • 5% Lifesteal
    Passife : can absord attack about 510-1350 damage
    Coldown: 30 seconds

the next my item is this, u know YSS is weak in healt and armor, so u need defense that can absord the damage. if i have this item i dont scare again. i fight with 3 hero or more when war, but dont forget your gold and level must be higher then enemy.

  1. Wings of the Apocalypse Queen

+15 Physcal attack
+770 HP
Passive : When your Hp is about 40% your recieve damage will decrease about 30 % and your physcal lifesteal increase 15%.
the next item is defense too. i think if u have this item no one can kill you if u good at position like i said above.
this item is very the best item to make you long live.

the final item is

  1. Blade of Despair
    +170 Physcal attack
    +10% attack speed
    this item was very hurt in late game , so can sell your item junggle that i said above change white this item.

so this is my first post to the steemian i hope you enjoy it, and next i will post another post with my best video

dont forget to follow my youtube channal and subcribe @UBAYLPC

SORY me newbee about writing steemit.
so that is my tips for item and the theory, i will post the practical playing next, see u gaess !!

hellow steemian, inilah yang pertama saya upload tentang legenda mobile, seperti yang Anda tahu, saya adalah bintang mythic sekarang, highes saya 6 bintang. Saya bermain yss sekitar 170 kali. Sekarang saya ingin Anda tahu bagaimana saya membuat bintang mitis saya 6 dengan pahlawan ini. saya spam itu: D lol.

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