Game of Thrones, Season 7 Season 7 English VIEW SOURCE "Dragonstone" Finale "The Dragon and the Wolf"

in #game8 years ago

Seasons, Game of Thrones, Season 7

"Dragonstone"Finale"The Dragon and the Wolf"
Season 7 of Game of Thrones was announced by HBO on April 21, 2016.[3]

In contrast to previous seasons, the seventh season has been shortened to seven episodes[4], due to the smaller amount of story content remaining, as well as the increased production values and time required to film episodes involving larger set pieces than in previous seasons.[5] Filming began in Belfast on August 31, 2016[6] and ended in February 2017[7].

The season premiered on July 16, 2017.

Like the sixth season, Season 7 is based on an outline of the two final, presently-unpublished novels in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring.

Cersei Lannister is now Queen of the Seven Kingdoms after eliminating her enemies in the capital.
Home 23
Balon Greyjoy, King of the Iron Islands, has been murdered.
Euron Greyjoy, Balon's younger brother and killer, takes the Salt Throne and is crowned the new King of the Iron Islands.
Battle of the Bastards 29
In response to Euron's treachery, Theon and Yara Greyjoy seal an alliance with Daenerys Targaryen.
The Winds of Winter 13
With help from Varys, Daenerys secures help from House Tyrell and Dorne.
However, the cold-blooded murder of Myrcella Baratheon could come back to haunt Ellaria Sand now that Myrcella's uncle Tyrion Lannister is Daenerys's Hand of the Queen.
Ramsey about to be eaten
With Ramsay Bolton executed, House Bolton has been eradicated.
Jon Snow is declared King in The North Season 6 Episode 10 Preview.
Though Jon Snow has been declared the new King in the North......
GoT-Sn7 FirstLook 07
......Petyr Baelish seeks to challenge his rule in his own campaign to take the Iron Throne.
GoT-Sn7 FirstLook 04
Samwell Tarly has travelled to Oldtown to train as a maester.
Daenerys Targaryen Sails to Westeros, Season 6 Episode 10 Preview.
Daenerys Targaryen sets sail for Westeros with her army.
The Winds of Winter 23
Walder Frey is killed by Arya Stark in retaliation for the Red Wedding.
Night king the door with bran
Bran Stark has barely escaped back to the Wall after being attacked by Night King and White Walkers.
The Winds of Winter 22
Bran Stark has learned that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.
After a summer lasting almost ten years, the words of House Stark have finally become reality once again: winter is here.

In King's Landing, Cersei Lannister has finally seized the power that she has craved for many years. In one swift move, she has eliminated nearly all of her enemies, rivals, and obstructions; Queen Margaery Tyrell, Lord Mace Tyrell, Ser Loras Tyrell, Cersei's uncle Ser Kevan Lannister, Grand Maester Pycelle, the High Sparrow, and most of - if not all - members of the Faith Militant were killed when the Great Sept of Baelor was destroyed using large amounts of wildfire, an event orchestrated by Cersei. She has crowned herself the undisputed Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, with Qyburn as her Hand and the undead knight Ser Gregor Clegane at her side. After nearly four decades of serving as the power behind the throne, House Lannister has finally become the new royal house. However, Cersei is still haunted by the prophecy she was told during her childhood, which claimed that the deaths of her three (future) children would predate her own; Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen are all dead, Tommen having taken his own life shortly after the Sept's destruction. This has made Cersei all the more determined to crush her enemies once and for all, but the number of her enemies has just increased exponentially. Though she now sits on the Iron Throne, she has effectively undone all of Tywin Lannister's efforts to ensure that his family stay in power as her actions have undoubtedly earned her the hatred of all of Westeros. Most of the realm is either in open rebellion against the Iron Throne or has fallen out of her allies' control, leaving Cersei effectively as the Queen of King's Landing and the lands owned by the Lannisters. It is the beginning of the end.

In the Riverlands, the last bastion of Robb Stark's independent Northern-Riverland kingdom, Riverrun, has fallen to House Lannister and House Frey in a siege led by Ser Jaime Lannister. Lord Edmure Tully, who had been held hostage by the Freys ever since the Red Wedding, ordered the Tully garrison to stand down for the sake of his wife and child, whom Jaime had violently threatened if Edmure refused to cooperate. Edmure's uncle, Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully, is dead, having chosen to fight to the death rather than surrender. Brienne of Tarth and her squire, Podrick Payne, had traveled to Riverrun in an attempt to recruit the Blackfish to assist Sansa Stark in reclaiming Winterfell from House Bolton. The attempt failed, and they were only barely able to escape when the castle fell.

Although House Frey has reclaimed Riverrun, Lord Walder Frey is also dead. Arya Stark, despite nearly being killed by the Waif and ultimately overcoming the assassin in single combat, has completed her training as a Faceless Man in the Free City of Braavos. With her original mission clearly back in focus, she has abandoned the Order and returned to Westeros to cross more names off of her list of vengeance, starting with Walder Frey, the last surviving orchestrator of the Red Wedding that claimed the lives of her mother, brother, and pregnant sister-in-law, at the same time butchering Walder's two most prominent sons, Lothar Frey and Walder Rivers who also helped carry out the massacre, and leaving the rule of the Riverlands in unknown hands. Also, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane has survived his brutal fight with Brienne of Tarth and attempted to build a new, humble life, but has been dragged back into conflict by the Brotherhood Without Banners, who intend to head north to fight in the war that is coming.

On the Iron Islands, King Balon Greyjoy is dead, having been murdered by his psychopathic younger brother, Euron Greyjoy. Balon's son, Theon, returned to the Iron Islands after helping Sansa Stark escape from Ramsay Bolton and endorsed his elder sister, Yara, as their father's successor at the subsequent Kingsmoot. However, Euron has claimed and won the Salt Throne by promising an alliance with Daenerys Targaryen, which he will use to conquer the Seven Kingdoms. In desperation, and in fear for their lives, Theon and Yara have stolen a hundred ships from the Iron Fleet. With sailors and soldiers loyal to them, they have traveled to Meereen and sought out Daenerys's help first. They have managed to secure an alliance between House Targaryen and House Greyjoy to help Daenerys retake the Iron Throne and overthrow Euron in return for the Iron Islands' independence. Euron, however, has ordered the construction of an even bigger fleet to begin his own invasions, seek out new alliances and destroy all who may stand in his way of taking the Seven Kingdoms for himself.

Also aiding Daenerys are the Dornish and the Tyrells, the rulers of the Reach. In Dorne, Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes have staged a coup; they have murdered Prince Doran Martell and his heir, Trystane, and taken control of Dorne in retaliation for Doran's refusal to wage war against House Lannister after the brutal death of his younger brother Prince Oberyn at the hands of Ser Gregor, who also murdered their sister Princess Elia and her two young children, Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon. With Cersei declaring war against the Sands for their murder of her daughter Myrcella, Ellaria has turned to Daenerys and her loyalists to help bring down the Lannisters. Unknown to Ellaria, however, is that Tyrion Lannister, Myrcella's uncle, is now serving as Daenerys's Hand of the Queen, and will likely demand justice against the Sands for murdering his beloved niece in cold blood. Lady Olenna Tyrell, herself now a target of Cersei as she is now the only surviving Tyrell, has met with Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, a meeting facilitated by Varys. Although skeptical of their motives (and wary that they essentially murdered their own family to seize power), grief-stricken and incensed by the deaths of her son, grandson, and granddaughter, Olenna pledges House Tyrell's forces to Daenerys in the hope of revenge for her slain family, no longer caring about her own survival.

In the North, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark, aided by Ser Davos Seaworth, Tormund Giantsbane, and Lady Lyanna Mormont, have finally defeated Ramsay Bolton and reclaimed Winterfell following a spectacular battle. Their victory was also due in large part to the support from the knights of the Vale, the elite soldiers of House Arryn, the lords of the Vale, courtesy of Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish. Even though House Bolton is now extinct following Ramsay's brutal execution, the future of House Stark is left in question: with Robb and Rickon dead, and Bran believed dead as well, the Northern and Vale lords have turned to Jon and named him the new King in the North, while Sansa has rejected Littlefinger's proposal to help him take the Iron Throne and become his queen. Given that Littlefinger was instrumental in the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings (by conspiring with Lysa Arryn to murder Jon Arryn, pit the Starks and Lannisters against each other, and throw Westeros into complete chaos), and that one of his initial goals was to become the new Warden of the North, Jon's ascension to King in the North is now a major obstacle in his master plan, setting the stage for a looming conflict between Jon and Littlefinger, the latter already having sewn seeds of distrust in Sansa towards Jon. The Red Priestess Melisandre, meanwhile, has been dismissed from Jon's service following the discovery of her role in Shireen Baratheon's death, as well as for the burning of countless innocent people as sacrifices to the Lord of Light during her service to Stannis Baratheon, stripping Jon of easily one of his most valuable advisers, and is now heading south to locations unknown.

In the Reach, after navigating various obstacles, Samwell Tarly, Gilly, and her son have finally reached the Citadel in Oldtown, where Sam intends to train as a maester to replace the deceased Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch, hoping to gain some insight into the White Walkers and how to defeat them. However, with Sam's theft of his family's ancestral Valyrian steel sword, Heartsbane, he has undoubtedly incurred the immense wrath of his father, Randyll Tarly, who will now likely seek retribution, while the absence House Tyrell's armies will have also left the Reach open to coming outside attacks, so Samwell must use the sword in his studies and uncover the secrets behind Valyrian steel for the coming battle against the dead, before all is lost.

Across the Narrow Sea, having at last defeated the slave masters and the Sons of the Harpy, Queen Daenerys Targaryen has finally set sail for Westeros. She has acquired an army consisting of the Unsullied, the Dothraki, and troops from House Greyjoy, House Tyrell, and Dorne. Tyrion Lannister serves at her side as Hand of the Queen, though at the cost of two of her advisors: Ser Jorah Mormont, whom Daenerys has sent to find a cure for his spreading greyscale infection, and Daario Naharis, her lover whom Daenerys has ordered to stay behind with the Second Sons (on Tyrion's advice) so that she may pursue a potential marriage alliance to aid her in her campaign. Unknown to Daenerys, however, there is already somebody across the Narrow Sea who may very well have a stronger claim to the Targaryen monarchy than she does, and who may prove to become her most valuable ally or her greatest enemy yet.

Beyond the Wall, Bran Stark has been training in his power of greensight under the tutelage of the three-eyed raven and has learned some devastating secrets, specifically the origin of the White Walkers and the true parentage of his believed half-brother, Jon Snow: Jon is the son of Lyanna Stark and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, which would make him the nephew and a rival claimant to Daenerys Targaryen for the Iron Throne. Following an attack which claims the lives of the three-eyed raven, Hodor, and seemingly the last of the Children of the Forest, Bran and Meera Reed have been rescued by Bran's undead uncle, Benjen Stark, and taken back to the Wall. There, Bran must prepare for the arrival of the Night King, who at all costs must be defeated before Westeros can dream of another spring.

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