Guide Bane Mobile Legends: The Ruler of the 7 Rebellious Seas [Revamped] - Games#1

in #game7 years ago

Bane is one of the Fighter Mobile Legends heroes with a fairly high damage in its class. Having a good Crowd Control skill, Bane can be used to help kill enemy heroes during team fighting at once.

Bane itself requires a special build item to maximize its use as the best pusher.

This is the guide of Bane Mobile Legends, build items and some interesting tips and tricks that you can try in the game.

Guide Bane Mobile Legends [Revamped]

Bane is a Fighter Mobile Legends hero that you can redeem at a price of 32000 BP or 254 Diamonds. Bane currently also has 3 skins that can be used, namely Lord of the Seven Seas, Deep Sea Monster and Count Dracula.

This hero specializes in Push which makes it suitable to help destroy enemy towers effectively. The current Bane display is a revamped result that makes some skills changed and becomes even more frightening.

Want to know what you have to prepare before playing Bane Mobile Legends? See more reviews!

Bane Mobile Legends Skill

Before you go further into the right build item for Bane, it's good you know the skill-owned skills like the explanation below.

Passive Skill Bane: Shark Bite

Bane weapons will be filled with the power of ocean currents every 6 seconds. Afterwards Bane increases the basic attack power by 60% and gives 75% -100% splash damage against nearby enemies and slows it down.

Skill 1 Bane: Crab Claw Cannon

  • Cooldown: 7.0
  • Mana Cost: 60

Catapult Crab Claw Cannon attack and produce physical damage to the first enemy to the back. Coupled with the reduction of enemy movement speed around it.

Skill 2 Bane: Rum

  • Cooldown: 10.0
  • Mana Cost: 70

Just like the old version, Bane relies on Rum to restore its status. This time Bane suck direct Rum and restore HP and increase movement speed up to 30%.

For 5 seconds later, Bane can spray poison into the enemy in front of him and produce magic damage.

Ultimate Bane Skill: Deadly Catch

  • Cooldown: 40.0
  • Mana Cost: 120

Bane manipulates the tide of sea water and summoned fish from the inland oceans to produce physical damage against the enemy. This ultimate skill can hit two nearby enemies and result in 15% damage on the tower.

Build Item Bane Mobile Legends

Having a high durability, make Bane suitable to push against enemy tower without fear of death. Now to increase attack power, Bane can use improvements in Physical Attack and Attack Speed.

Build the Bane Mobile Legends item below is not a definite benchmark, you can combine with other items guys.

  • Warrior Boots (movement): Warrior Boots will add +22 Armor and +40 Movement Speed.
  • Corrosion Scythe (attack): Corrosion Scythe provides additional + 50 Physical Attack, +400 HP and + 15% Attack Speed. This item also has a chance to lower attack speed along with enemy movement speed.
  • Blade of the 7 Seas (attack): Blade of the 7 Seas gives +75 Physical Attack and +300 HP. Uniquely, this item can lower the enemy's Physical Defense for 3 seconds.
  • Wings of the Apocalypse Queen (defense): Wings of the Apocalypse Queen gives +15 Physical Attack, +1000 HP and + 10% Cooldown Reduction.
  • Brute Force Breastplate (defense): Brute Force Breastplate delivers +770 HP and +45 Armor.
  • Blade of Despair (attack): Blade of Despair will drastically increase +170 Physical Attack and + 10% Attack Speed.
  • Immortality (defense): Immortality becomes an optional Bane item by giving +800 HP and +40 Magic Resistance. Bane will also come back to life after 2 seconds.

In addition to the above Bane build items, you can choose Battle spell Bane's recommendation is Flicker, to make Bane run off quickly. You can also choose Inspire to speed up Bane attack speed in doing push tower.

As for the choice of emblems Bane Mobile Legends, you can choose Common Physical Emblem or Custom Fighter Emblem.

Tips on Using Bane Mobile Legends

Due to having a new range of skills, Bane has some tips for starting games in Mobile Legends. At the beginning of the game, you can do farming to speed up the level.

To maximize Bane's role, you can increase the Crab Claw Cannon 1 skill to eliminate creep effectively combined with the Shark Bite passive skill. You can use 2 Rum skills to quickly move lane and help the team.

When in a fight team you can perform a combination of ultimate skills> skill 1> skill 2> basic attack with the following explanation.

  • Bane can set the distance and enter the fight team by first activating the skill of Utimate Deadly Catch which will catch up to 2 nearest enemies.
  • Continue Bane can do spamming skill 1 Crab Claw Cannon and 2 Rum skill by spitting out poison to enemy. Get rid of the enemy then using basic attack.

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