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RE: Why aren't computer RPGs (especially MMOs) as much FUN to play as old-time D&D?

in #game-design8 years ago

I think World of Warcraft has finally captured something they lost a long time ago, the community. The most recent expansion has everyone in a shared capital city, so you feel like you are a part of a living world. Additionally, the highest dungeon difficulty, mythic, does not have the dungeon finder tool. You have to make a group and go to the dungeon manually. It might seem like an inconvenience, but the journey of going to a dungeon with your group and clearing it brings the multi back to multi-player.

One more thing that is extremely well does is the focus on content at max level. A solid 25% of the quest content only unlocks at max level and has a much larger emphasis on exploration. Many of the artifact weapons introduced in the expansion have hidden skins that the community is coming together to try and figure out how to get them. Blizzard has finally figured out how to gamify the journey.

That being said. A video game will never replace some of the great memories I have playing Pathfinder with my friends in college. One session involving a busty shop keeper's daughter and the shop basement after hours comes to mind... We always tried to emphasize the "role" playing over the "roll" playing.

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