
The enemy movement looks great plus its good to see they can attack and walk about now, yeah different enemies should behave and do things differently e.g the big axe guy might not do any jumps and is slow in general while another type of enemy could be good at jumping etc. I would say definitely add the killing obstacles @roundbeargames

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Fyi. yes, you pronouce "Dijkstra" correctly :D

A lot of calibration still needed. But I guess it's alright to further developer the characters first, and then once we got a little mature on the character movements then only fine tune the accuracy?

That dish reminds me of tteokbokki I had at the Jalgachi market 🙂 spicy, but can't stop eating!

Posted using Partiko Android

it is tteokbokki 떡볶이. very spicy. i like it but i only eat sometimes :)
what you had was probably a little different but generally the same stuff.

as for calibration, yes. it's nothing more than changing numbers around and seeing which makes sense. i don't spend too much time on it yet because a lot of bigger things are subject to change. it'd be a waste to spend an hour whether i should have 0.1 or 0.125. but later as i get closer and closer to finishing i'll be spending more time on the details.

Yes. The rice cake. I like the slices of stuff rather than the rice cake itself 🤣 I had it in several places, and the one inside the market looks exactly the same like the one you cooked.

And you're right. The one we can find it here in my country are different taste. They're just… … not Korean 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

yes i like the slices too. it's probably fish meat meshed into a slice. sometimes you have noodles and sausages as well. i like those other shit too. way more than the rice :)

Project with very good and satisfying results, especially accompanied by Korean specialties that I have never tried 😀😂👍

thanks. i don't think you'll ever try because it's not for everyone 😆
probably too spicy.
but happy monday!

떡볶이를 직접 해서 드시나 보네요. 저도 해보고 싶긴 한데 실력이...

직접한건 아니고 시켰다가 남은거 살짝 끓인거에요 ㅋㅋㅋ 페이크 성공!

파닥파닥~ ㅎㅎㅎ

wow it looks really nice and spicy, by the way please check my new post, I am very grateful to you a year ago😄

i just saw it :)
it's interesting you see it as a boat because we do have a lot of uncertainties on this platform and it's not exactly clear we're gonna land anywhere 😆
but i'm pretty sure some good things can happen either next year or within a few more years. we'll wait and see 👍

I also hope so😄

the game is getting interesting. hopefully the improvements will be more interesting.
oh yes ... the food is very tasty it seems

thanks. the spicy food isn't for everyone but i enjoy it a lot. happy monday!

movement this time greater from the previous, slip from below very accurate, Why not fend off when slash???, Who is cook food this spicy, @roundbeargames, 👍👊😊

you can either dodge or kill before he kills you. i'm not sure if i should have blocks or counters. i have to think about it.
food was alright :)

사진에서 찰리리의 느낌이 좀 드는데 웬지 개발도 이론도 잘 하실 것 같습니다.

헐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 기안84에 이어 찰리리.. ;;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
개발은 사실 잘 몰라요 그냥 취미정도입니다 ㅋㅋㅋ

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