The New Age of Online Gambling (Crypto/Blockchain)

in #gambling7 years ago

Mankind has always been motivated to win. This pushes us from behind and gives us the necessary tools to fulfill our dreaded dreams. At the same time we are also computable beings, comfortable, sometimes even lazy physical but mentally active. That makes us find shortcuts in normal processes. It makes us invent tools. Or new ways to make money.

Gambling is one of the best examples. Anyone who even bought a lottery once knows the feeling of hope waiting for a win. The feeling of being rewarded because "we were smart" or "we were inspired," that "we felt something" and we assumed the risk calculated just to win. And the same winner sentiment encompasses us whether we are winning a free bundle of gum or why not, a few Bitcoins. At the same time, the mood we tackle with gambling will have an impact on our performance.
Unfortunately, most of the gambling that we have access to does not give us the full safety of being just me, the player vs. Random (Luck). We can not have such security for many reasons. The main reason is that there is not enough transparency. Can someone say for sure that all the gambling offered by online or offline companies is 100% regulated on a random system?
It is quite difficult to be sure of this because the human factor intervenes in all these mechanisms. But still!? Have we not invented a 100% transparent system in which people can put their 'collar collar' into luck with luck? With fate? It seems that many have answered this question already and took action in this direction.

Fortunately, only by pure mathematics, we can have such a gambling system. And, fortunately, Blockbain's "Nobel Prize-giving Technology" gives us the full transparency and safety that the gambling we play plays strictly on random systems.
The gaming industry is one of the most dynamic and modern, making it very normal that it adapts so quickly to this new market situation. Namely, the mass adoption of crypto-coins and new revolutionary technologies. We can, without too much effort, estimate that people will no longer play gambling in classical fashion. Because they have other improved and more secure variants, such as Blockchain, using crypto-currency like Bitcoin or Etherium.
In general, the confidence that we are witnessing to mass media players and Blockchain has its foundation in clear technological advances.

We already have casinos with crypto-coins , we have poker apps, and just about any business that we can think of in this area adapts very quickly to the new conditions. Crypto-coins in the ever-growing marketplace, companies and gamers have a very diverse range to choose from. Especially because they come in a package with a few advantages worth mentioning:
Unlike bank or cash cards, crypto-coins can not be faked
Trading time is very short, in some instant cases
Transaction costs are lower than in traditional currencies
Anyone with an internet connection can access the system
The identity of each player is protected;

Some online gaming companies even revolutionize the whole system and develop casinos where the Smart Contract system with each user actually becomes the contract whereby the player even owns a part of the company, so trust is entirely in the hands of users. We also have the classic "European Roulette", where acceptance and processing of payments is transparent to both other players and investors. Once bets are processed, they can no longer be changed or deleted from the system. But the platform does not require an account or registration based on personal documents, and everything including the source code is open to the public but also secured at the highest cryptographic level.

Reality has far outweighed the imagination in this respect; in the end, simplicity and transparency seem to be the best methods we turn to because of Blockchain and crypto-currency. And the online gaming market is extremely varied and growing. Everyone can find something to his liking and interest in this game system.

The subject in this area remains open and very interesting. It is clear that the online gambling industry will continue to grow in line with the New Era and the emerging new emerging technologies.


Enjoyed reading your post. :)

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