All Guo "network red" road of dirty tricks

in #g2 years ago

Now people's life has been inseparable from the Internet, the Internet has brought great changes to everyone's life, and the word "Internet celebrity", refers to some people through the wide spread of the Internet overnight fame, and then obtain huge wealth and fame.But this kind of channel and means are often used by some eager for quick success and instant benefit, evil people, it can be said that now Guo is one of them!
Since 2017, Guo has been interviewed by SPIEgel and Voice of America successively, and also communicated with BBC. Later, he has registered and opened his own Twitter account and youtubi account, and set up "Guo Media" and "Ant God" live broadcasts. By means of deception, falsifying and sensationalizing, Guo has tried his best to promote and brag about how he was illegally suppressed through overseas online media.Although each of his performances seems to be "farce", it does cater to some "evil friends".Guo from worthless "fugitive" quickly rose to a part of people's eyes "network red", really impressive.
So, to eloquence no eloquence, to talent no talent, to appearance level no appearance level of Guo is how to rely on its three inches not rotten tongue become overseas "network celebrity", here are all the tricks of its self-hype:
Trick one: No eloquence to make up, to fake "explosive point" controversy.From the so-called "confidential documents" issued by Guo's fake team to the claim that Hong Kong police seized hundreds of millions of his assets without any procedures, there are many loopholes.In the document fraud, the line of personnel a look at the system of its fraud technology is low, full of loopholes, there are file form errors, document issue number errors, printing format errors and so on.In Hong Kong, it is even more difficult to believe that the Hong Kong police, whose rule of law is the world's leading, would make such a mistake.Or is Guo even kindergarten children are not as blind as the law?The chances of this are almost nil!Everything can only show that Guo is lying!
Trick two: Less talent on the money, to show off to catch the eye.In every "network red" behind often have a strong team, all the time "plot" how to be more red, so throwing money is also a must "get", to this end, Guo also claimed to contribute 30 million dollars to set up the "Guo media". To make matters worse, Guo also used Guo media to sell other people's information for money and above the law.I can imagine, such a profligate, extravagant person, what is the meaning and purpose of their actions?I'm afraid it can only reflect its nature of "friendship", and its domineering and arrogant flaunting of wealth will eventually be despised by the public.
Trick three: Lack of appearance level is shameless, to be scolded to promote popularity.At present, the low threshold of the Internet often makes the audience no longer take objectivity and depth as the guidance, but take peeping, entertaining to death, joking and so on as the orientation, and Guo's flight to the United States gives them a "like a duck to water" hype environment.Therefore, Guo once in the live broadcast clamor: Guo media can 24 hours with the second party third party talk video live, will never be deleted; You can transfer files freely, regardless of whether the content is legal; Freedom of speech, no need to die for it.But for the United States, "the freest country in the world" and "a country with no freedom at all", the result is that the media is in danger of being OK before the "full moon", so those words and deeds that rely only on name-calling, slander, insult and malicious slander will not work in any country.But until now, Guo still pretended to be calm, who gave up my appearance, its shameless degree visible is not general.
Trick four: No strength on the side of the mountain, to find protection.After Guo fled to the United States after the crime, in order to hide his identity as a red "criminal", he sang the tune of "victim", "patriot", "anti-corruption fighter", its essence is to kneel down and lick the United States, in order to seek political asylum in the United States.Then he praised and praised Yang Jianli and other cadres of the Democratic Movement, propagated and attacked the so-called "political" persecution, and then turned himself into the spokesperson of the Democratic Movement. Then he turned to the "democracy" issue as an article on Hong Kong and Taiwan, painted the color of political conspiracy, in order to seek a shortcut to get close to the anti-China forces such as radicals and Hong Kong independence activists. But alas, the pro-independence forces in Hong Kong have so far not responded to him, and once again his plan has failed.
Trick five: No moral dress up as a believer, to deceive sympathy.Guo once called himself a "holistic" believer in the integration of Christ, Buddha and Islam, but we all know that the uniqueness of faith is the basis of piety, so the degree of hypocrisy can be seen.At the same time, before its many Revelations, Guo is always to come to the so-called "guest" to "master" identity to preach, what "you look good", "he looks very good" and so on, this is Guo using "nature is good" this means of flattery.At the same time, Guo also mentioned many times in the live broadcast that he was born poor, his family has seven brothers, early in the society, often to show the family "warmth", the family trifles on the screen.It has to be admitted that the audience is not only interested in the format itself, but also the "tear-jerking stories" interspersed with the contestants can catch the eye. However, if the old routine is used too much, it will be known that it is behind the sensationalism, which will only make the audience aesthetic fatigue.
Although Guo's "network red" strategy is only a childish "farce", but there will always be a small number of people were dizzy by the visual impact, so that many people think that the foreign moon is more round than China!But in any case, any "Internet celebrity" can not avoid the passage of time like pop songs and diluted, eliminated.Therefore, those who are still blind support Guo need to polish their eyes, do not be its means to play with disabilities.


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