in #fuzex6 years ago

Cryptocurrency investors, traders and stakeholders, are quite big on earning. However it is not enough to just earn. ‘Spending' is definitely a factor to consider. No doubt, there are a number of exchange platforms to convert cryptocurrency to fiat money; but these platforms do not only take a lot of time; they are not always easy. This is where FuzeX comes in.
FuzeX project offers its users an all-in-one payment solution through the use of a card and a wallet, both known as the FuzeX card and FuzeX wallet, respectively. Individuals get to embrace faster and easier payment models when they utilize the project.

The project’s main aim is to provide people with ways to make smarter payments; which could be through electronic money, credit, debit and reward cards. Upon getting into the system, members will see and utilize the FuzeX revolutionary payment platform which makes it possible for users to combine a number of codes in one system. This payment method however is not only convenient; it is quite secure and easy.

Basically, the FuzeX project is developing an electronic card which will store all the funds of every individual. The card which looks like a normal credit card will house your debit, credit and bonus cards. The platform has put in a lot of work, developing a prototype for this project, with videos being released on YouTube to show not just how the card looks, but how it works as well.

The FuzeX card
The FuzeX card will operate like other fuze cards with a few minor modifications; like the support of cryptocurrency activities. The card will come with a secured EMV chip, a rechargeable battery that can last up to 30days and an NFC enabled payment port. The card also has a magnetic strip in between; with an E-ink Barcode display and MSNFC attached. The card will also come with a small ergonomic screen at its bottom, called the E-paper display; the options, input and charging buttons will be placed below this screen.

The Fuzex Wallet
Another important feature of the Fuzex project is the wallet. This enables users store, receive, spend and transfer tokens to other users. Via the wallet, users can check their account balances, transaction history and exchange rates of cryptocurrencies.

The Fuzex Exchange
This is the core feature of the platform which makes spending and conversion of cryptocurrencies easier for users.

Merits of the FuzeX Project
The FuzeX platform is very futuristic. This means the project has a number of benefits, as it handles problems from a never seen angle. The solution it hopes to bring will be one that will not only serve the cryptocurrency market now, but also in future.
The FuzeX Project has the following benefits:
• Real Time Exchange: The system provides a real time exchange between normal fiat currency and electronic money. The value is 'as is', which is hardly obtainable these days. This real time value allows users have an idea of the difference between the money in the pocket and the one in their online wallet at all times. Also, individuals have unlimited access to their coding money, so they can spend it whenever they want.

• Optimal Security: The FuzeX project is one which is hell-bent on providing its users with a secured payment platform. Infact, this is the major aim of the project. As a way to reinterate this, the project has a two factor method of authentication and protection; for the FuzeX card and members within its system as a way to guard against theft and shady dealings during each transaction.

• Transaction Simplifying Features: The platform is all about making transaction easy within the Ecosystem; thus the reason for its transaction simplifying features. For instance; members on the platform can store as many as 30 accounts in the FuzeX card, awesome right? On top of that, with just a click of a button (on the E-paper screen) you get to choose your preferred digital assets.

The FuzeX Circle
The payment system adopts a circle like method of operation. This is visible from the way each transaction flows from the point of exchange to the payment network/issuer; down to the user and finally to the merchant. The most intriguing thing is, all the stages involved in this process are highly secure!
Briefly, the system assumes the following steps:

  1. As a member, you choose the desired electronic money you want your FuzeX card to run on. After this your account balance is revealed as well as conversion rates in fiat currency; in real-time.
  2. Next, you hand your FuzeX card over to the seller. This authorizes the merchant to slot in your FuzeX card as normal. Once this happens, the relevant issuing authority will receive a request from the POS terminal.
  3. Immediately the request is received, the issuer will check your account through FuzeX exchange for sufficient funds. If your balance is insufficient, payment is denied, if the reverse is the case, the payment will go through, swiftly.
  4. Once the payment is made, the seller will receive an authorization to that effect, thus completing the circle. As a round up, you get to see a summary of your purchase process through your FuzeX wallet.

Final Thoughts
The platform has been dubbed the future of payment. One that idolizes smart pay and affords individuals the opportunity to make payments from where and whenever they desire. For a while the cryptocurrency market has been itching for an idea this unique and FuzeX has come to the rescue.

The FuzeX project has been able to garner a lot of investors and stakeholders within a very short period of time. This shows that people are very confident in the project’s offering. Everyone wants a secured payment platform and FuzeX offers them that. Now people will get to handle their financial transactions, themselves, at their own convenience.

Considering all the promises the project brings- letting individuals spend their digital assets with real-time conversion rates and in real life- and how much effort is being put in by their very capable team; as well as the amount of followership it has been able to garner; it is definitely one project to watch out for. With features as fantastic as these,

FuzeX has no doubt earned the title “the future of payments” and there are lots of people out there rooting for its success!

For more information about Fuzex, kindly visit:
Website: https://fuzex.co/
Whitepaper: https://fuzex.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/FuzeX_whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FuzeX.co
Telegram: https://t.me/FuzeX
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FuzeX_co
Writer: Crypto4ruby
Writer’s bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1788350

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