Future Thoughts: a Tokenized Future

in #futurism6 years ago (edited)

Image created by me

Hello My dear followers!

I have been feeling guilty lately about "neglecting" my blog. When I initially started I wanted to talk about my 2 greatest passion investing and technology. As I got caught up in curating, promo-steem and primarily @promo-mentors, I barely blog which is a shame as I like to share my thoughts (even if they are short) and like to hear what you guys think about various subjects. So from now on I will blog more regularly.


Today's subject will be about tokenization. With SMT being a hot topic, I was thinking about what the underlying utility of an SMT, token creation on the Steem blockchain, could be. There is a difference between tokens and cryptocurrencies. As the media uses these terms interchangeably and honestly when I read about the differences most sources say something a little bit different. But overall they agree on that a token is something more than a cryptocurrency, which is only used as a real currency. A token is tied to something more than a monetary value. "In contrast, a token is a digital asset for dapps within a blockchain ecosystem" [1]. A token is always part of a blockchain like Ethereum and Waves and can be tied to a physical assset or intangible asset, for example with Whopper coin you can buy Whoppers.

So now we have a basic idea of the difference let's focus on the interesting part: what the use of these token are and will it be practical to have a token for everything in the future, we now already have hundreds of tokens, will we able to keep up?

Incentives alligned

There are many use cases for tokens that are related to tying them up to digital assets, however there is one aspect I want to focus on which is the power to allign incentives. We already see this in Steem, where people work together for the betterment of Steem. Every initiative may it be curation, community building app development all benefit everybody in the Steem ecosystem. By giving everybody the same token for work people will be motivated or atleast hope that the token they receive increase in value.

To me this concept is one of the most beautiful collaborative effect we can achieve with the blockchain. I will illustrate an example where it could be used which I found in a blockchain research.

An extreme scenario would be that a whole economy is represented on a blockchain system. For example, the ecosystem of an online multiplayer game. [1]

In this research they say it's an "extreme case", but to me it's logical that tokens will be used in games, because it will create more engagement for the game. It is true that big multiplayer games already have their own token, but what is different with a blockchain token is that the outside world can trust the token system and it can be used outside the game. This effect also works the other way. When people in the game can trust that the token can be used outside the game, suddenly in game token has more value, and the players will be more incentivized that the game will be successful, because their token will get more value.

Now let's apply this to companies for creating loyalty for their products. This is were it gets exciting. The way product loyalty now works for most companies is that it is basically non existent. If we take our grocery stores as an example, we don't care about the store where we do our groceries daily whenever a new one comes to town and shows much better service and products. Ofcourse this is not always the case if we really love the product or are used to certain services. But usually you can win customers by showing a better product.

Now here comes tokens in to play. Imagine a company like Uber giving out tokens. I personally wouldn't care if Uber were to be replaced by another service if they did a better job and transffering me from A to B. Now what if Uber gave us tokens everytime we ride with them, and these tokens give us right to own a part of Uber (like shares). We would probably be more concerned with the well being of the company because we will lose our tokens if they were cease to exist. Instead of Uber being a normal company to us, we would be co-owners of Uber. How small our stake may be, I would probably treat Uber much differently.

Making people co-owner of a system encourages people to contribute to what the system needs. Like we see in Steem companies can use this to innovate or ask the community to help with problem solution. Tokens allow new economies of resource allocation. In this case we are talking about human resources. [2]

See this video of an EOS presentation from where I got the idea of using Uber and more information about this topic:

Eos.io Link

So, will we have hundres of usuable tokens in the future?

I think so. The same as we have coupons and airmiles, these tokens could be seen a "collectable". Ofcourse there will be many tokens that will fail, as most are issued just to raise money. But I think hundreds or even thousand will exist in our daily lives. And we won't get overwhelmed by them because it's up to us to choose which token we use. We probably will have a card on which we can all store different kinds of tokens.

I am ready and excited for a tokenized future and I will be looking how I can apply this with @promo-mentors.

Let me know what you guys think about tokens below!


[1] aisnet.org
[2] W2.blockchain
[3] Wikipedia


I think that you've kind of cleared up tokens for me (I thought it was just another word for cryptocurrency) thank you for that but I still don't really understand how/why tokens would be any more of an incentive than Steem and SBD.

Hello @accio! Sorry for the late reply.

I am glad my article has helped you understand more about the tokens. So there are many fuctions of a token, most I probably don't know of or either they have not been discovered yet. One concept that has already been proven with ethereum is fund raising. Project have raised not millions but billions of dollars with fund raising, look at EOS, the biggest ICO we had.

The thing with fundraising is you could ask yourself why not use steem? The thing with tokens is that you can your project an identity. You can name if after your project, and that already creates something collectable. And people like to collect and earn things. Think it of like airmiles. Why give people airmiles points and not airmiles USD value.

Secondly, token can programn them to be distributed in a certain way. Like ethereum tokens creators are able to programn tokens to be locked up for a certain period for example. The programmability and the easy of transfer tokens (plus the trust and tranparency a blockchain provides) makes token fundraising much better than fiat fundraising, because the investors can track more easily what the receivers are doing with their money.

Now coming back to Steem tokens, SMT will have features such as you can set up the inflation of your tokens and much more, which I have dive into too.

I think it clicked haha thanks!!

Interesting point of view about tokens and smts. I never really understood them until now. Well done man.

I am glad you learned something from my articles. Thanks for coming by bro!

I agree FT there will be a point in our lives when the FUD finally gives up as the mass adoption of blockchain technology finally comes because it is such a valuable technology to be ignored.

We will have life tokenizer where a lot of our daily aspects will give us tokens that will be used to perform a lot of things from having breakfast, commuting and even paying bills

It is being done by some local coins and tokens like Loyalcoin powered by NEM that will be earned by being loyal to certain brands and to be able to be used crossmarket.

You got a 26.75% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @futurethinker!

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

This effect also works the other way, when people in the game can trust that the token can be used outside the game suddenly the token has more value, and players of the game will be more incentivized that the game will be succesful, because their token will get more value.
It should be successful instead of succesful.

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